New Beginning

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Three months has passed after that Raimon won the Holy road, you must think... What happened in these Three months?

Well, for me I started to travel around the nation of Japan to teach young children's about soccer, it is Gouenji's plan so I just agreed to it.

Today was my last day of teaching children's about soccer, tomorrow I should be back home and back to school, I wonder how's everyone?

|Tomorrow morning/Raimon Junior high|

I've finally arrived on front of the school after 3 month's, I wonder how's everyone.

You walked toward the field of soc- baseball ?

That's weird, nobody informed you that they replaced the soccer ground by baseball, oh well they probably changed the field of soccer somewhere else.

You walked toward the soccer building hoping to finally meet your friend's, but the building was full of people you didn't knew and with volleyball and basketball materials.

You asked the people in the soccer building where was the soccer club room or something, but they all answered that there was no soccer club in this school.

You thought that they were joking, but... They looked serious, you left the building.

"This is creeping me out.. What happened? Don't tell me they disbanded the club without informing me?!" You thought.

You shake your head and stop thinking about such stupid thing, they would never disband the soccer club!

You see Shindou passing by, finally an familiar face! You went after him.

"Shindou!" You shout.

Shindou stops walking and turn himself to you.

"Finally someone I know.. Can you explain what's happening?!" You ask.

"What?" Shindou look confused.

"About soccer, The soccer clubroom!"

"Soccer clubroom? What are you talking about?" Ask Shindou.


"There's no soccer club in this school." said Shindou.

Your eyes widen, you stare at Shindou for a moment, am I dreaming? Or does Shindou has a twin that he has never told me about?

"I don't know who misinformed you but I am Shindou takuto from Music club." Continued Shindou.

"Wait.. Do you even know me..?" You asked pointing yourself.

"Was I suppose to? I'm sorry, you must have got the wrong person, but if you want to join a soccer club you better change school, goodbye." Shindou walk away.

You are speechless, first Soccer club doesn't exist in this school and now Shindou doesn't even recognize you anymore, something is clearly wrong.

You went to find the others it took few hours(half of a day) but you found them, they were all in the other club's, sumo, ping-pong, Music, calligraphy and none of them recognized you.

The only one you haven't met is Kyousuke, GOD! WHAT IS HAPPENING?!

You tried to find Kyousuke everywhere and even asked to the students about him but all they said was...

"Tsuguri who...?"

"I don't know him."

"I don't know anyone named Tsurugi Kyousuke."

"I'm sorry, I don't know who you are talking about."

Okay.. What's going on.. It feels like Kyousuke has completely disappear from this world or something, I'll go to his home and find out what's going on!

After school I ran toward Kyousuke's home direction and knocked on the door, someone opens the door. It was none other than Kyousuke himself.

"Where were you?! I thought you wouldn't skip school anymore!" You shout at him.

"Huh?" Frown Kyousuke.

"Don't 'huh' me, where were you?"

"At home..?" he reply.

"You were supposed to-"

"Look, you must be mistaken me with my older brother. I don't know you, if you are searching for Yuuichi he's not home right now." Said Kyousuke.

"Huh..? Why would I want to speak to Yuuichi, I wanna you speak to you Kyousuke!" You said.

"I'm sorry, but I don't speak to strangers." He said and closed the door.

Still arrogant as always.. But what does he mean by he doesn't know me?!


You walked back to the riverbank sitting on the ground thinking about everything, it's so weird.

First the soccer club has disappeared, second everyone you knew by soccer sees me as a stranger and nobody seems to know you..

You still couldn't believe that this was real, but this day was so long that you started to think that you were dreaming about holy road maybe?

No, no impossible.

"[F/N] [L/N], I've finally found you."

An unfamiliar voice could be heard behind you, you immediately stood up then back away from the stranger and look at him.

The stranger is a boy with violet hair and grey eyes and quite tall, wearing an weird outfit..

"Who are you?!" You yell at him.

"I am Alpha, My mission is to eliminate soccer. The only remaining traces of it are remaining in you, [F/N] [L/N]." Answered Alpha.

"Are you.. The reason that the others are all acting weird?!"

"That's right." he replied.

You walk up to him.

"You better bring everything back to normal!" You said.

"No. What we must do is the exact opposite." Said Alpha and appear an item in his hands and throw it in the air and turn into a soccer ball with multiple circles with different colors on it, the soccer ball fall on the ground then Alpha click on the red circle.

Time warp mode.

The ball suddenly turns red, Alpha shoot in the ball toward you.

Your eyes widen as your intuition tells you to dodge this soccer ball, you didn't care if you had to broke a leg or even both, you jumped off the stairs without thinking.

Alpha also jumps and grabbed your arm, you tried to escape but the soccer ball shines with a bright red light wich blinds you.


You slowly open your eyes, you heard some noises not so far, your eyes widen.

Cars. Street. Road.

You knew where you were, back in the past.

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