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There will be words that will be added in here and I don't want any of you to be confused, so I will add it's meaning here. I might add more.

Y/C- Your country

Skeptical- doubtful

Sorrowful- grieved/ sad

Tranquilly- peacefully

Courageous- Brave

Elope- To ran away

Epiphany- Moment of sudden revelation

Euphonious- pleasing to ears

Ineffable- can't express by words

Melliflous- sweet and smooth sound

Peckish- somewhat hungry

Sonorous- deep and full sound

Truculent- having the spirit of a savage

Dusk- sunset

Oblivion- unaware or unconscious of what is happening

Italic- Thoughts

Bold- Conversation

Underlined- Author's note

I also seldomly proofread, so, I'm sorry if I made some errors.

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