Chapter 39

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"Sometimes the bad thing that in happen our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us."- Nicole Reed.

They had only been dating a month, but things between Brittany and Sam were heating up fast. Parallel to Santana's situation with Dani some years ago, they hadn't put a label on things, but did people really do that anymore? Asking someone to officially be your girlfriend/boyfriend almost seemed juvenile when you were close to 30. Brittany was just taking it for what it was, and Sam was doing the same. They hadn't told anybody outside of their New York bubble yet that they were back together, but now Christmas was a few days away and they were on the way back to Ohio. As they drove through Pennsylvania, Sam spoke what was on his mind.

" family are having a party on Boxing Day. I'd really love you to be there if you have nothing on with your family. My mom always loved you Brit, she'll be so pleased when she finds out we're dating again"

Brittany swallowed. You know things are getting serious when you're being introduced to family members, or in Brittany's case re-introduced, and tagging along to family parties. But she ignored any doubts and nodded her head in agreement.

"Okay?" Sam clarified.

"Okay." Brittany smiled.

The first test was going to be Ashley's annual Christmas Eve party, that they were going to be attending together. She hadn't even told Santana that she was dating Sam again, but she knew that was going to have to change because Santana was going to see them together at the party. Something about talking to the person you're still hopelessly in love with about your current relationship, always felt incredibly uncomfortable for Brittany. Maybe she was worried that Santana would be able to see through it all.

As the 24th rolled around, Brittany was applying the finishing touches to her makeup in her childhood bedroom when her mom appeared at the door.

"So, you said Sam is picking you up?" Whitney questioned.

"Mm-hm" Brittany nodded casually, not taking her eyes off the mirror, knowing exactly where Whitney was going with this.

"He's a nice boy Sam, I always liked him..."

"Yeah, he is" Brittany said, waiting for her mom to stop playing this game and just ask her directly.

"You seem to be spending a lot of time with him lately..."

"Mom just cut to the chase already." Brittany sighed. She didn't mean to sound so frustrated but her mom's constant hinting over the years about Brittany settling down with someone had really ground her down. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap. Yes, Sam and I are dating again" she admitted.

Whitney exclaimed in joy, the exact reaction Brittany was expecting.

"Mom just calm down! It very early days" Brittany hissed, trying to shush her excitable mother.

"Just wait until I tell your father! He is going to be so happy!" Whitney clapped her hands together, before running down the stairs to find her husband, leaving a bemused Brittany to finish getting ready.

Well at least that was her parents in the know. Clearly Sam wanted them to find out about them dating too, because when he arrived at Brittany's house he made sure to knock on the door and come in to wait for her, rather than beeping his horn and waiting in the car.

The Pierce's were lapping it up.

"This is exactly how it should have been for your prom, with Sam picking you up like this and waiting in the hallway for you to appear. I love Santana like a second daughter but I can't believe you edged away from prom tradition that night" said Whitney, as Brittany shot her a look.

Brittana- Invisible StringWhere stories live. Discover now