Chapter 8

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Later that night, Santana was sitting in her bedroom alone and afraid. She was 18, and about to move to New York. She had the rest of her life ahead of her. How could she be having a baby? Puck's baby at that. She felt sick, and she wondered if it was from shock, or actual pregnancy symptoms. She pulled out her phone to text the one person she knew she could trust.

To: Brittany

Brit, can we meet?

Brittany's reply was almost instantaneous.

To: Santana

I'd love to, but Sam's parents are taking us out to dinner at Casa Lu Al. How posh is that? Beats Breadstix ;)

Santana felt the tears burn in her eyes as she furiously typed her reply

To: Brittany


She really wanted to send it. She wanted Brittany to realise she wasn't okay; she really really needed her right now. Brittany had always told her in moments of anger to stop and think before losing her temper, because Santana had a habit of saying things she didn't mean in a blind rage. Damn Brittany, always making her a better person. She sighed as she deleted the text, typing out a kinder response, putting Brittany's needs before her own.

To: Brittany

Okay :) Enjoy the meal!

Before she could even read Brittany's response, she threw her phone to the side, and that's when it all hit her. She broke down into hysterical sobs, bringing her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around herself.

What the hell was she going to do?

To: Santana

Sorry I couldn't do last night San, you wanna meet today instead though? Lima Bean for coffee?

Santana read the message and sighed. She hadn't told anyone yet. She hadn't even said it out loud. The only person that knew was the rude girl from the Pharmacy, and that was only because of the look of horror on Santana's face as she emerged from the bathroom. Telling Brittany was going to make it real, but she knew it had to be done.

To: Brittany

Sure B, 12:30 sound good?

To: Santana

12:30 it is :)

Santana fiddled nervously with the saltshakers on the table, looking for a distraction, as she waited for her best friend. Suddenly the door burst open, to reveal an enthusiastic looking Brittany. She ran over excitedly.

"Sorry I'm late San" she puffed, slightly out of breath, before holding up an opened envelope "I've got news" she grinned.

"Me too" Santana grimaced, looking down slightly.

"Read it!" Brittany exclaimed, shoving the envelope in Santana's face with a wide grin.

Santana hesitantly took the envelope, taking out the letter and carefully unfolding it to read, although she already knew what it was going to be.

"Scholarship to Julliard?" Santana gasped. She knew Brittany was going to get in, but she didn't expect her to get a full ride. At one-point Brittany wasn't even sure she would graduate high school, but Santana had always believed in her.

"Brittany, that's so great! I'm proud of you". And proud she was, although this was a very bittersweet moment. She felt her eyes fill up as she thought about the crossroads they were at. For the 1st time in their life, it felt like Brittany was going one way and Santana was going another.

"Congratulations!" she exclaimed, before her emotions could get the better of her.

"I know right? It's unbelievable! Me, Brittany , with a scholarship! My GPA might not be the highest, but they said it was my dance ability alone that got me it. This is it San, the start of our life!" Brittany exclaimed excitedly, talking 100 miles an hour before taking a breath to focus on Santana "Have you heard back from NYU yet?"

Santana hesitated. Just 24 hours earlier, she had gone to Brittany's clutching her acceptance letter with the same excitement Brittany had. Then an hour after that her whole world had changed. She had found out she'd be swapping New York for new-borns.

She hadn't even thought about New York since she found out, she just assumed she'd tell Brittany, and they'd sort it out together. This had stopped her in her tracks. Knowing Brittany, she would drop everything to help Santana, but Santana couldn't let her do that. This was a great opportunity for her, that she couldn't pass up, she might never get the chance again.

If she told Brittany, she would probably cancel her plans to go.

If she told Brittany, it would suddenly become more real.

" I haven't heard anything yet" Santana lied.

"Yeah but, you'll get in" Brittany nodded encouragingly.

"What about Sam, have you told him yet?" asked Santana, changing the conversation.

"He'll understand, he always knew this was the plan" Brittany shrugged.

"Don't you care what he's going to think about you rushing off like this?" Santana asked, letting her own insecurities get the better of her. She desperately needed Brittany around, but she knew she had to let her go.

"What is it?" Brittany smiled taking Santana's hands in hers.

Santana froze, could Brittany really see through her that well.


"Well you're defending Sam, so what's wrong?" Brittany laughed.

Santana stayed silent for a second, just staring at Brittany. She so badly wanted to tell her everything, and to have Brittany wrap her up in a warm hug, and whisper words of comfort. She would know exactly what to do, and they'd do it together.

"Nothing...nothing's wrong" Santana tried to smile convincingly.

Brittany tilted her head 1st left, then right, trying to read her best friend. She knew Santana like the back of her hand, and something was troubling her. Maybe it was the nerves of not getting her acceptance letter yet.

"Well, be happy then" Brittany laughed, squeezing Santana's hand "We're on our way! Our dreams are finally gonna happen." she smiled reassuringly.

"It's great, it's great! Really...well done" Santana let out a sad smile, causing Brittany to frown.

"Hey come on! You're coming too." Brittany said confidently "My flight's in a week which gives me time to get settled in before term starts. You need to go ahead and book your ticket."

Now it was Santana's turn to squeeze Brittany's hand.

"Sure. I've got some stuff to sort 1st but..." Santana swallowed before looking at Brittany reassuringly "I'll be there".

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