Chapter 41

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Authors Note: First of all, Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you've all had a lovely day.

Just wanna clarify again to all the readers worrying that Brittana are gonna get together and the story will end, this isn't the case. I have lots of plans for them building their relationship, learning to communicate, sweet fluff couple-y chapters that they deserve, and a future together etc.

It's taken a long while to get here, and as it's loosely based on a film that does end with them just getting together, that's possibly why. But it was never my intention to leave it there, especially as it's so drama filled. So hopefully that will make you guys happy.

I really hope you enjoy the chapter, probably my most re-written yet, because I wanted it to be perfect.

A month went by, and it seemed like both the quickest and slowest month of Santana's life. On one hand, things were happening way too fast, and Brittany was going to be Mrs Evans sooner than she would have liked. On the other hand, the wedding talk, the fittings, the planning was all dragging for Santana. Each meeting geared towards the wedding was just a painful reminder of what she could have had. Suddenly, they had found themselves on the eve before the wedding, and Santana needed more than one bottle of wine to help her get through for the impending day ahead. She was more than grateful that Quinn was with her tonight, offering a shoulder to cry on.

As soon as Brittany had left on that fateful day, where she had arrived in Lima to ask Santana to be her maid of honour and told her how happy she was with Sam, Santana had called Quinn in hysterics. Quinn couldn't even decipher why Santana was so upset, until she got in the car and drove round to Santana's, demanding that she told her everything. And Santana had done just that. She told her literally everything, about how she had harboured this love for years, her issues with Dani, how she had gone to tell Brittany but chickened out so many times. Quinn, who could be unpredictable in such situations, had been non-judgemental and listened calmly to everything. She didn't give Santana that "I told you so" attitude, even though she had told her so many years ago. The news didn't really shock Quinn, and she just took it all in her stride. But in seeing her best friend grow more and more heartbroken as it edged closer to the wedding, she was growing increasingly frustrated.

As they sat out on the porch, Quinn listened to a weepy Santana for the thousandth time, analysing everything that had gone wrong with Brittany.

"It's like Kate and Leo in that scene on the deck" Santana moaned.

"Only you would compare your real-life situation to Titanic, Santana" Quinn laughed, trying to make light of the heavy situation, but with a strong feeling she wasn't going to get anywhere.

Quinn couldn't stand it anymore. She had lent Santana an ear all month and tried to hint at her to do the right thing, but Santana wasn't having any of it. On the eve of Brittany's wedding, she needed to be more upfront, and encourage Santana to be bold. To stand up for what was so rightfully hers.

"Santana, Brittany is yours. Anyone with eyes can see that, and I've been telling you for years now that I could see something between you. The girl has written you a letter professing her undying love for you. I don't understand why you're not doing anything about this before she goes and ahead and does something she quite clearly, is going to regret".

"Quinn, she wrote that letter ages ago, I was too late! She loves Sam now" Santana exclaimed "And plus she's my best friend..."

It was that one thing that had always got in the way. That fear that their friendship would be ruined, so don't say anything and carry on as normal, that had messed them up so badly in the first place. Quinn was exasperated and she stood up to face Santana. Desperate to get through to her.

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