Chapter 32

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It was a summer of realisations.

For Brittany, the realisation was that she could no longer be in New York anymore. It got to the point where she could no longer keep extending her compassionate leave and the thought of returning to her old home, the place where she had spent 6 years building a life, was making her feel nauseous and panicky. She called up Chris and explained everything to him. She said she was willing to return to work her notice, but in her head, she was praying she wouldn't have to. Luckily, her prayers were answered, and Chris said she didn't need to return. By now she had been off for 6 weeks, and the Assistant Choreographer had stepped up and had things under control. Her temporary return would only unsettle things. She couldn't even bare to return and collect all of her stuff, so she had her parents do it all for her. Denver had tried to contact her on various occasions, wanting to share in her grief, wanting to check in, but she ignored all of his calls. She felt guilty for shutting him out, but then she remembered what he had done to her and felt less so. With the New York chapter closed she was feeling at peace and being in Lima surrounded by her family and friends, was a great foundation for her to heal and start rebuilding her life again. She had money from the sale of her house with Denver to tide her over, and she quickly found work in a dance studio in Lima while she figured out her next steps.

For Santana, the realisation was her love for Brittany. Once the switch had been flicked, she just couldn't turn it off. She'd catch herself staring at Brittany like a lovestruck puppy all the time, then she'd shake her head and realise how terribly cliché she was being. Every time Brittany touched her, which given by how affectionate they always were was a lot, she would feel legitimate sparks igniting inside of her. The kind that made her hairs stand on end and her breathing shallow. When Brittany would emerge from the bathroom in just a towel, she couldn't look away, and she felt her heart beating out of her chest. Seeing her with Mila, turned her into a puddle even more so than it usually did, and she found herself yearning for them to be a family. No matter how far-fetched her thoughts got, she just couldn't stop them. There were many occasions where she'd just lie on her bed and fantasise over imaginary situations.

Like waking up naked in Brittany's arms on a morning, and turning over to claim her soft lips, sighing contentedly as they fell back to sleep in each-others embrace.

Or a date night with Brittany, where they would go to the best seafood restaurant in Lima. Santana would pay, despite Brittany's resistance, and as she would push the bill into the hands of the server with her card inside, Brittany would hold her hand out in disproval. But all Santana would do is take Brittany's hand in hers and kiss it softly, letting her know that the decision was final, she was paying, end of. And Brittany's blue eyes would light up with gratitude and she'd let out a bashful smile, before the two of them went off to their hotel for the night, that Quinn had encouraged them to get because they needed more alone time and she'd look after Mila. When they got there, they'd enjoy several rounds of intense sex, and Santana would spend all night making sure Brittany felt good. Her eyes would go wide with delight, when she noticed the new lingerie Brittany had bought for the occasion, not that it got to stay on for very long. She'd explore and love every single detail of Brittany's body in the dim light of the hotel room, from the light splash of freckles across her shoulders, to the way her toes curled when she was close to the edge.

She'd imagine them lying in bed together, on a cold stormy night, wrapped around each other for warmth after a long hard day. Santana would have her arms wrapped protectively around Brittany, who was heavily pregnant with their second child, caressing her bump and whispering sweet words of gratitude into her ear.

Sometimes, she'd just imagine them doing the mundane things like going shopping for groceries, or cooking dinner together. Stuff that all seems boring, until you're doing it with the one you love.

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