Chapter 23

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Santana walked out of arrivals, to see Brittany standing waiting for her, with a bunch of Santana's favourite flowers. She ran over and tackled the blonde into a bear hug.

"I missed you" she whispered softly, breathing in Brittany's familiar jasmine and vanilla scent, and her strawberry shampoo.

"I missed you too San" Brittany replied, squeezing her eyes shut as she enjoyed Santana's embrace.

It had only been a couple of months, but even that was too much for them. In the almost six years they'd lived in different cities, it never got any easier, and if they could they'd be together every day like they were in high school.

"A welcome gift" Brittany smiled, passing the lilies to Santana. Santana stared at the girl with an adoring smile, before leaning over to give her a peck on the cheek.

After a busy day shopping in Manhattan., the girls arrived back at Brittany's house in fits full of laughter, placing their bags down and kicking off their shoes.

"Thank God, my shoulders were killing me carrying those bags." Brittany sighed "I think I'm getting old. I can really feel the impacts of all the dancing on my body nowadays" she laughed.

Santana looked at the blonde with concern.

"You want me to give you a massage?" she asked

"Ooh, I would love one actually" Brittany replied, walking over to the sofa and instinctively removing her top. The girls were always touchy feely with each other and had seen each in a state of undress many times before, nothing ever felt weird about it.

Santana walked over to Brittany and began to softly knead at her shoulders, applying pressure where she could feel the knots, her fingers nimbly working away to rid Brittany of any pain and pressure.

"Mmm that feels amazing San" Brittany purred. The sound made a blush rise to Santana's cheeks. She had given Brittany a massage countless times, but something felt different. She focused on the task at hand and continued to give Brittany her massage, hesitating slightly over the bra straps.

"You mind if I move your straps down?" Santana asked, deciding she needed better access. Without even answering, Brittany pulled the bra straps down, as Santana continued to massage her. As she pressed deep into Brittany's shoulder, Brittany let out another moan, leaving Santana blushing again.

Was she really getting turned on by her best friend now that she had realise she was into women?

She was pulled from her thoughts by her phone ringing, she glanced over at the table and saw it was her mom calling.

"Ooh it's my mom! I should probably answer" said Santana, Brittany nodding her understanding and putting her shirt back on. As the call connected, she was greeted by her five-year-old, grinning broadly and standing way too close to the phone.

"Hi my gorgeous girl!" Santana waved happily

"Hi Mama, where's my Aunty Brit-Brit?" she asked, peering curiously.

"I'm right here! Hi Moo, are you having a great time with your Abuelo and Abuela?" said Brittany, coming intro frame.

"Yep! They let me stay up a whole extra half hour past bedtime" Mila giggled, as Santana and Brittany feigned shock.

"Well I'll be having a word with that Abuela of yours" Santana joked "tell me about your day at pre-school Meels?"

After spending a while on FaceTime to Mila, Brittany looked at her watch and turned to Santana.

"So, we could go out tonight if you want? Go to a nice restaurant, hit a few cocktail bars..."

"Actually Brit" Santana interrupted "can we just stay in tonight? Just the two of us in comfy clothes with lots of wine? An old school BritBrit Santana night?"

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