Chapter 2

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12 years earlier

It was Santana's 18th birthday, and she was making sure everybody knew about it. Finn Hudson, the popular school Quarterback turned 18 three days before Santana, and he was throwing a huge party to celebrate. Santana and Brittany were of course invited, they were hot, popular cheerleaders, so their presence was expected at every party.

When Finn had found out the day of his party fell on Santana's actual birthday, he had agreed to make it a joint one. Santana always held some power over Finn, as not only was she extremely persuasive, he fancied the hell out of her.

They had kissed a few times in the past, and he was always trying to pursue her, but Santana always shot him down. He wasn't the best kisser, but he was attractive, and he was a safe bet. After-all he was captain of the football team and she was head cheerleader; they would have been a shoo-in for prom king and queen. That would have meant the world to Santana in Junior Year, but as a Senior she couldn't care less.

She was going to go to prom with Brittany anyway, as she'd just split from her boyfriend Artie. Santana always thought Brittany was way too good for Artie, and had been secretly pleased by the split.

When her birthday had rolled around, she had told her parents she was just going to have a low-key sleepover at Brittany's house, they'd order a pizza and watch a film. She suspected they probably knew something, because her mother had told her to be careful with a raised eyebrow as she left out the door that night.

Brittany could never lie to her parents, so she told them about the party, but luckily the Pierce's were very free spirited and encouraged Brittany to make her own decisions in life. Brittany didn't think they'd be so happy if they knew how much alcohol she planned on consuming, particularly since she was underage, but she chose not to tell them that part.

"Not telling someone something isn't as bad as lying, especially if it's to protect their feelings" she surmised.

The party was well underway, and both Santana and Brittany were drunk, Santana more so, but it was her birthday. Finn had been lurking around Santana like a bad smell, who looked amazing in a tight black dress, low cut so that it enhanced her cleavage. Brittany was rocking the edgier look, with high waisted jeans and a crop top, showing off her toned stomach.

As Finn approached again, Santana dragged Brittany away towards the makeshift bar. They both slammed another Tequila shot, Santana going in for a 2nd, before dragging Brittany to another part of the dance floor and moving again to the music.

Just like they always did, they had been dancing close together all night, grinding up on each other and causing quite the stir among all the men at the party, and some of the ladies too. Santana stood back to drink in Brittany, who was lost in the music. Brittany had always been the most incredible dancer, and Santana knew she wanted to mould against her and dance with her. She was so inviting.

With that Santana placed her hands-on Brittany's shoulders and pulled herself towards her, closing the gap between them. She began to rock steady against Brittany's beat, ignoring everyone else around them. Through drunken eyes, she raised her head to look up at the taller girl, who looked to be in a world of her own until her eyes met with Santana's. Brittany smiled; she was happy Santana was enjoying herself so much, especially on her 18th birthday. She had her arms wrapped around Santana's back, and she wondered if she was half holding her up.

Their eyes continued to meet, until Santana's eyes began to flicker down to Brittany's lips, causing Brittany's heart to skip a beat.

"Did Santana do that on purpose?" she wondered to herself. Brittany had always found Santana extremely attractive, and she found the chemistry she had with her to be like no other, even when she was with Artie who she said she loved. She had started to realise in the past few months that she might be bisexual, or at least bi-curious. She hadn't told anyone this, not even Santana who she told everything to, she wanted to figure it out for herself 1st and be sure. Besides even if she did tell Santana, it wouldn't change anything between them. She was sure as hell that Santana was straight, and she could have any man she wanted, she was gorgeous. Even now as she looked over to the other side of the room, she could see Finn and at least 10 other guys checking her out. She was snapped out of her thoughts by Santana, who glanced down at her lips again.

"She did it again" Brittany thought. This caused Brittany to look at Santana's plump lips. They were so juicy and inviting, and she longed to kiss them. She subconsciously found herself moving in closer to Santana.

"What am I doing!?" she was about to stop herself and pull back, when she noticed Santana was also moving in. Brittany's heart was beating fast at this point, and her head was spinning, both from the alcohol and the adrenaline.

Suddenly their faces were touching, and Brittany felt like all the sound around her had been sucked away, like it does when you are about to pass out. Only she wasn't about to pass out, she was about to kiss Santana. They stayed like that for a moment, with their faces pressed together, their bodies still moving slowly to the music, their noses gently rubbing together, until Brittany could handle it no more. She moved her lips towards Santana, her hands still encircled around her back, pulling her in closer, but she was so scared. She couldn't bring herself to make the connection, Santana was very drunk, and she herself wasn't far behind her. What if this ruined everything?

She was about to pull away and laugh it off, when she felt Santana inch closer. Her eyes closed, her lips parted, her breathing heavy, like she was waiting for Brittany to initiate the kiss, and Brittany couldn't resist no more. She inched in and with parted lips they connected, as she sucked slightly on Santana's bottom lips, she could swear she heard a slight moan. They kissed a few seconds longer before pulling away and looking at each other through lust filled eyes.

"Yep, definitely bisexual" Brittany said to herself.

They continued to look at each other, Santana with a drunken but seductive smile, and Brittany unsure whether to move in again and carry on the kiss, or to say something. Santana's eyes moved to Brittany's lips again, so Brittany took that as her cue to go with the former. She began to inch closer, as Santana moved her arms from Brittany's shoulders up towards her neck, when suddenly she lost her grip and fell with a thud on the floor.

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