Chapter 35

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AN- Hey everyone! So sorry for the lack of updates recently, I've been super busy recently with the lead up to Christmas and work etc., so just haven't had the time to update, but this story hasn't been forgotten I promise. I should start to have more time now as it starts to slow down to get back on track.

I wanna thank you all for your patience and positive words so far. I know some have had to let it go which I get, it's a reaaal slow burn, but for those of you hanging in there I appreciate it and promise it'll be worth the wait. A lot of you were rightly stressed and frustrated at the last chapter, I totally feel you haha, but I promise Brittana is on the near horizon now.

Thank you again for reading, being patient and taking the time to review. I hope you all enjoy!

5 Years Later- September 2019

Santana sat in the reception of The Fabray Hotel, idly picking away at the polish on her nails as she waited for Quinn to emerge. She frowned as she noticed the polish begin to chip, even though it was her own doing, and shoved the hand into her pocket.

"Santana Lopez?"

Santana turned around in her chair at the familiar voice that she still recognised all these years later, and low and behold, there he was in all his trouty mouth glory, his bleach blonde hair looking exactly the same as it did when she had last seen him a little over 10 years ago. It was the time she was trying to keep Mila a secret, so she had been mortified at his presence. The times before that she had held a strong resentment towards him, and just the sight of him made her involuntarily shudder. She never fully knew at the time why she had such a disliking to the (in her opinion) incredibly dumb, but harmless boy, but now she knew that it was jealousy because of her feelings for Brittany. Now, 11 years since they had both graduated McKinley High School, she felt nothing towards him but sincerity. No grudges were held, and it was nice to see a familiar face from the past. A sign of maturity, Santana thought to herself, as she mused over the fact, she'd be turning 30 next year.

"Sam Evans. Fancy seeing you here!"

Sam smiled before glancing over at the long check-in queue and turning back to Santana.

"Well there's no point in me standing in that if you've got a few minutes to catch up"

"Sure" Santana smiled, gesturing for Sam to take a seat in the chair opposite her "I'm just waiting for a friend, but I think she'll be a while yet"

"So how have you been?" Sam asked, as he sat down in the chair, leaving his luggage beside him "I think the last time I saw you was not long after we graduated, like...10/11 years ago now? You said you'd got that Nannying gig..."

Santana looked at Sam with a knowing smile. She knew that Sam had seen through her lies that day, after all he was the one who told Brittany, and as angry as she may have been at the time for his meddling, she was so glad now that he'd told her. Who knows when she would have plucked the courage up otherwise?

"I think you know I wasn't actually working as a Nanny that day..." Santana smirked, her eyebrows raised as Sam looked down with a laugh.

"Yeah...I knew as soon as I looked at her that she was yours. She was a mini you. And what with everything Brittany had told me about the way you'd been acting, and even the way you acted with me that day. It didn't take a genius to put two and two together and realise what was going on, I mean you should know because, I worked it out and...I'm no genius" he laughed, trying to make light of the situation.

"I thought my Nannying was a great on the spot excuse but...I guess you're right" Santana laughed, before turning serious "No but honestly, thank you Sam...for telling Brittany. I might not have been so thankful at the time in my head, when she told me it was you that told her, but in hindsight I'm so glad you did. Telling her was always going to be so hard for me, but luckily you doing it meant I didn't have to. Everything got so much better when she knew"

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