Chapter 36

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Brittany headed down the street, AirPods in, happily minding her own business and listening to music as she made her way through the Soho streets to her favourite coffee shop, La Colombe. She was so inside her head, that she didn't notice the child running full pelt towards her, until she felt him smack into her.

She looked down startled, removing her AirPods to check the little boy was okay.

"Oh my God, I am so sorry! Buddy what have I told you about running off like that?"

Brittany froze as she took in the man standing in front of her, who was bending down to reprimand his son. As he stood up and turned to Brittany to apologise further, he froze also.


Brittany swallowed and regained her composure.

"Denver, are you?" she managed.

"I'm...I'm good. I'm great actually I...sorry you just caught me a little off guard. How are you doing? Are you living back here now?"

"I am" Brittany nodded "I moved back 2 years ago now."

"'re looking really well." Denver offered.

Brittany shifted awkwardly, before turning her attention to the dark-haired little boy in front of her, who bared a striking resemblance to Denver, and looked to be around 6 years of age.

"Sorry, I haven't even introduced you. This is son" Denver smiled, on noticing Brittany looking at the little boy.

Brittany smiled knowingly, she thought it had to be Denver's son, the one who she learned about 6 years ago. The secret that ended their relationship.

"Hi Jacob, it's nice to meet you. I'm Brittany" she said sweetly, extending her arm to shake Jacob's hand, before looking back up at Denver with a smile and a glint in her eye as she silently communicated to him that she was happy he now had his son in his life.

Despite the hurt Denver had caused her, she never agreed with the fact he'd been cut out of his son's life. Had their own baby survived, Brittany wouldn't have dreamed of doing that to him, in the way Megan did. Now all of the hurt Denver had caused her was 6 years down the line, she felt even more removed from the situation, and at this point she genuinely wished him well and hoped life was treating him kindly.

"Well, we better get going bud. Your mom wants you back by noon" said Denver, before looking back to Brittany again "It was good to see you Brittany. Listen, it would be great to catch up one time. Here's my card if you ever want to" he said, reaching into his wallet for his business card.

Brittany took the card and placed it in her purse, unsure she would ever use it, but remained polite.

"Thanks Denver, it was good to see you too" she smiled "And Jacob it was great meeting you"

And with that they said their goodbyes and parted ways, leaving Brittany slightly dumbfounded as she stood in the busy street. Two exes in one day? Weird.

As she walked into La Colombe, she glanced around the busy coffee shop before spotting the familiar face in the corner.

"Wow, he really hasn't changed a bit" she thought, as she approached him.

"Sam, Hi! I'm so sorry I'm late, I ran into someone I haven't seen in years. How are you?"

"Hey!" said Sam, standing up to greet Brittany "Don't worry about it, I've only been here a few minutes myself. I got you a drink though. You still like Caramel Macchiato's I hope?"

"You know me too well" Brittany smiled, removing her coat and scarf and taking a seat at the table.

"All those dates in the Lima Bean, how could I forget" Sam laughed "So how have you been? Santana filled me in with what you've been up to over the years. Sounds like you've done some pretty great things huh?"

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