Chapter 5

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It was the day of Senior Prom, a day they were both supposed to be excited for, that they had waited for years for. Brittany was getting ready in her room, sad in the knowledge that Santana should be there with her. Even though they had separate prom dates, they had still planned to get ready together. They had their photo taken together in Santana's hallway from 1st Grade onwards, and their Senior Prom photo would finish the set. It would be really sad to not carry on the tradition, so Brittany had a plan up her sleeve. She couldn't be Santana's prom date because she had agreed to go with Sam now, and Santana with Puck, but she could call for her. They could have their photos taken together, and go together, before going their separate ways when they arrived. She just hoped her plan would work.

She had finished getting ready and she nervously headed downstairs to commence the plan. After some photos with her parents and gushes of "Oh Brittany, you look so grown up", she headed to Santana's house and knocked on the door in anticipation.

"Crap!" Santana thought "Puck is early."

She was still in her robe, and her hair was up in rollers. Another knock at the door brought her out from her thoughts, she'd have to let him in and seat him with a drink while she finished getting ready.

She hurried over to the door, and opened it to be met by Brittany, who was wearing a lime green skater dress, with a mesh skirt. She had paired it with red accessories, and her blonde locks were curled to perfection. It was very quirky, and very Brittany. She looked beautiful.

"I know we're not officially talking but I couldn't let our 13-year tradition slide. Even if you don't want to speak to me for the rest of the night, will you at least have your picture taken with me to finish our collection?" Brittany smiled nervously, holding up a camera.

Santana stood for a moment in thought as she let out a sigh. She had truly been caught off guard. She looked back at the blonde girl and let out a small smile, opening the door to let her in.

Brittany sighed with relief and stepped in quickly, as if she was scared Santana would change her mind. She instantaneously moved towards the smaller girl and wrapped her arms around her, relaxing as she felt Santana fall into the embrace.

"I missed you San, I promise to never keep any secrets from you again".

Santana let out a contented sigh

"I missed you too Brit".

The girls had gone up to Santana's room so she could finish getting ready, and all traces of awkwardness and anger had been abandoned. Both girls were so happy to be friends again. Brittany smiled as she traced her finger over the framed photograph of them at Disney World when they were 7, the two of them grinning excitedly in front of the castle, their arms wrapped tightly around each other. The Pierce's had gone on vacation to Florida every year since Brittany could remember, and from that year onwards Santana had always joined them.

"What do you think?"

Brittany turned to see Santana in a floor length red gown, that clung to her petite figure. She had taken out her rollers, and her long dark hair cascaded freely down her back. Brittany's mouth dropped in awe.

"Santana you look absolutely beautiful" she gasped.

"You look beautiful too Britt-Britt."

Brittany smiled; the occasional use of her childhood nickname always made her nostalgic to when they 1st met.

Santana walked over to Brittany and held out both hands for Brittany to take. They spent a moment just looking at each other and smiling. They had been through so much together, started kindergarten together, and now they were ending their high school journey together. Santana reached out and tenderly tucked a stray piece of hair behind Brittany's ear, causing Brittany to blush slightly. Their eyes locked intensely, and it reminded Brittany of the night they had kissed on Santana's birthday.

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