Chapter 20

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Long chapter ahead for you! Longest one yet. It's mainly a flashback chapter, because I wanted to give an insight into the relationship between Brittany and Mila. Lots of cute Brittana too! Hope you enjoy xx

Brittany stared out at the window, watching the raindrops settle on the panes of glass, as she brought the steaming mug of coffee she had just made up to her lips. She closed her eyes in satisfaction as she took her first gulp, in much need of the caffeine hit.

"Ah, ah, ah" a voice appeared behind her "Is that the proper stuff you're drinking?" Denver continued, taking the coffee from her and inhaling the smell. Realising it was caffeine, he threw the contents into the sink in one fell swoop, before switching the kettle on again and pulling out the decaf stuff.

"You know it's better for trying" he said firmly, raising his eyebrows at the blonde.

Brittany sighed and rolled her eyes. The last few days had been a military operation, since Denver had found out Brittany was ovulating. Since she'd agreed to try for a baby last week, she assumed they'd start slowly and explore the idea more, start trying a couple of months later when she'd had time to get her head around it. But Denver had been waiting for Brittany's agreement in this for months, so has soon as she'd agreed, his motto was why wait? He'd gone on to his computer straight away and started asking Brittany loads of questions about when her last period was, how long they usually lasted, so he could track her cycle and estimate her ovulation dates. When the website had said Brittany was days away from her ovulation period, Denver had excitedly said it was meant to be, so here they were trying already.

Brittany hoped the website was inaccurate, it was all far too rushed for her. She hadn't even broached the subject with her parents or Santana, that she was trying. They'd be shocked if they knew. It wasn't that Brittany didn't want children. She loved them, and she was great with them. She just didn't feel ready to have her own yet. Right now, she was happy to just play doting auntie. She thought back to fond memories with Mila over the years.

August 2009

It was the eve of Brittany's 19th birthday, and she had returned to Lima for a long weekend. So tied up with her new boyfriend, she hadn't made it back since June, but she wanted to make sure she came back and spent her birthday with Santana. It was their tradition. Denver had moaned slightly, saying he wanted to be the one to spend her birthday with her.

"We'll celebrate when I'm back, but I need this day with San" she'd told him "We've never not spent a birthday together, and I don't want it to stop now, just because she has Mila and I live in New York. It's important to me".

So, Denver had reluctantly skulked off to Arizona for a few days, leaving Brittany to see her birthday in with her two favourite girls. Santana's brow furrowed as she rocked a screaming Mila. George had been right, she had terrible colic, and she found it so hard to settle. They were watching their favourite show, Sweet Valley High, but Mila's cries were making it difficult to concentrate. Brittany watched Santana as she jigged Mila up and down. It really amazed her seeing her best friend as a mom. It may have been out of the blue, but Santana had taken to motherhood so well and so naturally, and Brittany was so proud of her for that.

"Brit I'm so sorry! This shouldn't be how you spend your birthday. You should be out, doing something fun, not sat here listening to a screaming baby" Santana smiled apologetically "Honestly if you want to leave, do something else, I don't mind. I just want you to have fun. I'm sure Ashley is in town; you could hit her up..."

"Santana shh!" Brittany interrupted "Look, I came back here to spend time with you and Mila. Not Ashley or any of the other Cheerios that I've barely spoken to in months. I've got popcorn and candy, Sweet Valley High, and most importantly my two girls. What more could I ask for on my birthday? There's nowhere else I'd rather be".

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