Chapter 51

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As grateful as Santana was that Brittany had come to Lima to look after her and Mila when they were sick, they were now truly feeling the consequences of it. Brittany had returned to New York on the Tuesday evening, sacrificing her original days off, and now she was working flat out until the first weekend in April. By this point, it had only been 3 days since Santana had last seen her girlfriend, but knowing she wasn't seeing her for a whole other week was so hard. Now she was finally with Brittany, she just wanted to be with her all the time.

It didn't help matters that Brittany was working such long days, it was hard to find time to talk, and often by the time Brittany had finished work Santana was asleep, exhausted from her own day being at work and being a single mom. Snatched texts between Brittany's hectic work schedule and Santana's home life were just about all they could muster up at the moment. It felt like they were ships in the night, and that was tough for both of them.

Santana felt like for whatever reason, she wasn't coping with the long-distance aspect quite as well as Brittany seemed to be, but what kept her going was the fact Brittany was worth it. Their time together was worth it, and she always felt that having a date planned in the diary for when they'd next see each other was a big help. Luckily, Brittany was one step ahead of her, and before she left for New York she had booked Santana and Mila tickets to come to New York for the first weekend in April when Brittany had the full weekend off. It had been a while since they all spent time in New York together, so at least there was that to look forward too.

Mila was especially excited about this and counting down the days also. She had gone back into school on the Wednesday, having fully recovered, but had been in a bad mood ever since. Santana wasn't sure if it was because she was missing Brittany like she was and didn't want her to go back to New York after the cute family-fuelled days they'd spent together where Mila had fully basked in the realisation they were "a real family" now, or if it was just the pre-teenage hormones that Brittany had warned her about. Or maybe simply that she just didn't like school anymore. But Santana smiled as she saw Mila running towards the car, seemingly in a better mood now that it was the weekend.

"Hi Mija, how was your day?" Santana asked cheerily, Mila's own enthusiasm reflecting off her.

"Hi Mama, it was okay thank you" Mila responded politely, as she climbed into the backseat and buckled herself in "What are we going to do this weekend?"

"Well, you're with dad this weekend remember? We switched your weekends around since you got sick last week. He's coming in around an hour, so we have to get home and get your stuff packed" said Santana, as she reversed out of the parking lot.

She caught sight of Mila's face in the mirror as it dropped, all traces of happiness now gone.

"Moo, are you okay?" Santana asked warily, as she watched her through the rear-view mirror.

"I just forget I was going with dad this weekend that's all" Mila shrugged "I wanted to spend the weekend with you".

That tugged on Santana's heartstrings a lot.

"Oh baby, I want to spend the weekend with you too. I would spend every weekend with you if I could, but you haven't seen your dad in a few weeks now, I think he'd really like to spend some time with you" she said gently.

She really hated this damn custody agreement at times, especially when Puck was so flippant with it. If he ever cancelled or changed dates around it was "okay", but if Santana didn't keep up to their twice monthly agreement, Puck could take her to court. There was no way she could go through that again, and risk Puck gaining even more access.

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