Chapter 50

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They say bad news comes in three's, and on this particular Thursday, Santana had already had two bouts of that.

It had all started earlier on in the evening when she had asked Mila what she planned on taking in for show and tell tomorrow. Mila and her classmates were allowed to bring something personal into school on the second to last Friday of every month, and it was something that Mila always loved, but on this occasion, she had sheepishly admitted to Santana that she wasn't allowed to bring anything in this week because she had received two demerits in a week.

It wasn't like Mila to misbehave at school so Santana was not only angry with her daughter, but disappointed.

Now Brittany was on the phone delivering the second bout of bad news.

"I'm really sorry babe. I'm so disappointed. I've been missing you all week but knowing that I'd be seeing you tomorrow evening was getting me through. I tried everything but these reshuffles are just making it impossible to get out of. They need me there".

Santana sighed. Hearing that she wasn't going to be seeing her girlfriend this weekend as planned and now had to wait until Wednesday, almost a week away, wasn't the news she wanted to hear right now. Especially after the day she'd had. She was so proud of Brittany for the work she did and how important she was, but at times like this she resented it, for the way last minute changes could crop up that Brittany would have to adhere to.

"Fuck, this is all I wanted to hear today!" Santana groaned.

"San" Brittany hummed sympathetically "Don't get too upset. Wednesday will be here before we know it, and I promise I'll make it up to you".

"I know" Santana sighed "I know, I'm sorry Brit. I'm not trying to take it out on you. I've just had a bad day, that's all".

"You wanna talk about it?"

"Mila got two demerits at school this week. You know her Brit, and that's just not like her. What with the fight with Lily, and now this, I'm just really worried about her behaviour."

"What did she get the demerits for? Did you find out?"

"Oh, I practically had to drag it out of her. When I told her that if she didn't tell me I'd be speaking to her teacher in the morning, she finally confessed" Santana let out another sigh "Apparently she was answering back to the teacher"

Santana was alarmed when Brittany let out a slight chuckle.

"Brit, it's not funny" she groaned.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry it's just...answering back to the teacher? That reminds me of an 11-year-old girl that I knew very well at school".

"And who would that be?" Santana rolled her eyes, knowing exactly where Brittany was going with this.

An 11-year-old Santana Lopez was in class, as she tried to once again explain to her best friend Brittany how to work out algebra equations, with all the patience of a saint.

"See Brit-Brit, this one here is 8B+5=29, so all you gotta do is work out what B is, okay?"

"Santana Lopez, stop talking to Brittany and get on with your own worksheet please!" Mr Martin warned sternly.

Brittany looked down and swallowed, and Santana noticed her uncertainty.

"Did you forget how to work out B, Brit?"

Brittany nodded, cheeks reddening slightly, until Santana reached out and squeezed her hand comfortingly.

"It's okay, I will help you. See all you gotta do is flip it around okay? See how there's a + sign? We gotta change that to work out B, so what's the opposite of adding something?"

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