Chapter 48

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Saturday 14th March, just five weeks since their wedding day, and Brittany and Sam were on their way back to Lima to break the news to their parents that they were no longer together, and they were having the marriage annulled. They'd decided to drive together to Ohio from New York rather than flying after Sam landed back there late last night from LA. The 9-hour drive would give them time to talk everything through about how they were going to do this, and they'd both been able to get some sleep too, switching over in Pennsylvania to share the driving. The sleep was much needed, since they had left early at 6am to make good time, now they had just over an hour to go and Brittany noticed it was nearing 2pm as she picked up her vibrating phone.

"Mind if I get this? It's Santana" Brittany smiled apologetically to Sam, who was in the drivers seat. She was desperate to speak to her girlfriend since she hadn't heard her voice since last night. They had of course been texting all day, but it wasn't the same as hearing her, and she felt she could really use the comfort right now since her nerves were bubbling away inside of her. Still, she couldn't help but feel guilty and like she was rubbing Sam's nose in things, even though he too had admitted they rushed things and they were only together for a short space of time.

"Sure, go ahead!" Sam said, turning the radio down slightly before turning his attention back to the road.

"Hey San" Brittany smiled into the receiver. She resisted the urge to call her any pet names since that may have been a little too uncomfortable for Sam.

"Hey babe, where about's are you? I just got back from my mom's, so I thought I'd give you a call, see if you were close".

"Yeah, we're not so far out of Mansfield, so a little over an hour to go, won't be too long now".

"How are you feeling?"

"Nervous" Brittany sighed "put it this way, I'll be glad when this day's over. I'm just so scared that they're going to take all of this the wrong way. Telling them about me and you is especially going to knock them sideways, I know for sure".

"You might be surprised Brit, parents know more about their kids than we realise, I mean look at my mom. She barely even flinched when she found about us. But babe, you know you don't need to rush to tell them today if you don't want, don't you? Just focus on telling them about Sam first, we can deal with all the stuff with us later".

Brittany shook her head gently even though Santana couldn't see her.

"No, I want to tell them, get it all over with. There's no point holding off, may as well just do it all at once. At least they'll be able to understand it all better. If I tell them half a story, they're just going to be even more confused." She glanced at Sam tentatively before lowering her voice slightly "Besides, I want you and I to have the best start to our relationship. No more secrets".

"No more secrets." Santana agreed, and Brittany could hear the smile in her voice, before she turned more serious "are you sure you don't want me to be there with you, when you tell them?"

"No, I think it's best I do this on my own. But thank you, you know I appreciate it. I promise I'll call you as soon as I'm done and then I can come around and we can just enjoy the rest of the weekend together".

"Okay, well I just want you to know that I'm really proud of you. I know your parents, and I know that nothing you tell them today is going to change their love for you. They might be a little shocked, but that's all. Come on Brit, if my strict parents can get over me getting knocked up at 18 and then coming out as a lesbian years later, your parents will be absolutely fine. They've always been super laid back and supportive. It's going to be okay, I promise".

"Thanks San, I really hope you're right" Brittany sighed again, before glancing at Sam who was still focused on the road and clearly trying not to pay attention "Look I better go, okay? I'll text you".

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