Chapter 21

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Santana thanked the cashier and took her large skinny latte and ham salad sandwich, headed for the nearest empty table. It had been a stressful morning at work, and her lunch break couldn't have come quick enough. Thank god it's Friday, was all she could think! As she sat down and brought the hot beverage to her lips, she let out a peaceful sigh, before tucking into her sandwich and pulling out her phone to browse Social Media. She had two unread messages. One from Calvin who'd started blowing her phone up as usual, which she just rolled her eyes and ignored, and one from Brittany.

Can't wait to see you for your birthday, 1 month today!Xx

She frowned confused. Brittany had said she couldn't make it back to Lima. Had her schedule changed? She quickly typed back.

What!? You're coming? But how? Xx

No quicker had she sent the message, was her phone buzzing with Brittany's reply. are ;)

Santana frowned again. Now she really was confused. She didn't have time to respond because her phone was suddenly buzzing in her hand.

"Surpriiiiiiiiiise!" Brit yelled down the phone.

"Brit, what are you talking about?" Santana asked, totally puzzled.

"Well since I can't come to you this year for your birthday, and you can't pull Mila out of school, I did some plotting with your mom. We both think you deserve a 'mommy break'. So.... on the 27th April you're flying to New York, and you're staying until the 1st May, so you'll be here on your birthday. Your parents are going to watch Meels for you, but you'll be home the Friday night ready to spend the weekend with her. I know you won't want to be away from her for too long, but you've never had a proper break before. A trip just for yourself. We thought it would be nice to just have some you time, a BritBrit Santana holiday. Okay...maybe not a holiday since I'll sometimes have to work but...we'll have the best time still. Oh, and the flights are booked and paid for, call it one of your birthday presents. That is...if you want to come of course" Brittany rambled, unsure why she was so nervous.

"Brit of course I want to come!" Santana laughed "I'll miss my little Moo, but I miss you every day I'm not with you as well. It'll be so much fun. Just like the old days, we can go a little wild"

"I can't wait!" Brittany giggled excitedly

"Me neither! Thank you Brit, that's so thoughtful of you. I would say I can't believe you've managed to plan this with my mom behind my back's you. You never fail to surprise me with amazing gestures like this" the Latina laughed warmly "no really you've made my day!"

"Aw I'm so glad San! It'll be a birthday to remember" Brittany smiled "anyway, I should go. I only called you quick on my lunch break because I just booked the flights. I've been planning this since we spoke last week but wanted to wait until everything was confirmed to tell you. I'll speak to you later though?"

"Okay babe, I'll FaceTime you later then, when I've picked Mila up from my mom's. Thank you soooo much again, and I can't wait to see you!" Santana replied, before saying her goodbyes and hanging up the phone with a smile. It was good to have something to look forward to. She took another sip of her coffee as a voice startled her from behind.


Santana jumped and turned to look at the person calling her. She froze, and for a second she was unsure that words would come out.

"Dani...hi...what are you doing here?" she stuttered nervously, after what seemed like a long silence. In reality it had only been seconds.

"I work here" Dani replied with a knowing grin.

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