Chapter 53

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A/N: I've had a couple of people say they'd like a chapter in Mila's POV, so just wanted to open it up and ask your guys thoughts on this and if it's something you'd like?

As always, thanks for reading, and thanks for the awesome reviews guys!

After the delicious breakfast she had been treated to, Santana really wasn't sure how much she'd be able to stomach as she sat down at the diner, given that she was still full. The three of them were meeting Finn and Quinn for lunch, and Santana had been reluctant at first because she worried about Mila walking on her ankle too much, but Brittany persuaded her that a trip out for lunch where Mila would mostly be seated wouldn't harm. Mila loved just being in New York with Brittany and her mom, but Brittany could tell from the way she kept staring out the apartment window that she needed to blow the cobwebs off, even if only for a couple of hours.

While Brittany scoured the menu, Santana kept her eye on the door for Quinn's arrival, catching Mila out of the corner of her eye messing around with the saltshaker.

"Mila!" Santana scolded, grabbing a napkin to wipe the mess of salt grains off the table that her daughter had created.

"Sorry..." Mila grinned sheepishly, as Brittany stifled a laugh, reminded how once again Mila was her mother's daughter as she thought about all the times Santana would mess around with the saltshakers at Breadstix when they were young, and was often scolded by her own mother for doing just what Mila had done.

Before Santana could say anymore, Quinn breezed in with Finn in tow.

"Hey guys, sorry we're late!" she said, greeting Santana and Brittany with a hug and a kiss, before bending down to Mila "Oh sweetie your foot! Your Mama told me all about it. Did it hurt bad?"

"Yeah, it hurt super bad Aunty Quinn, but I was very brave, right Mama?"

"You were very brave sweetheart, yes".

"You poor thing" Quinn cooed, squeezing Mila's hand "I think this calls for an extra-large sundae after dinner, my treat!"

Mila's eyes sparkled at that, and Quinn stood back up to introduce her goddaughter to Finn, who was awkwardly standing there with his hands in his pockets and his half-smile, after already saying a quick hello to Brittany and Santana.

"Finn, obviously you already know Santana and Brittany, but this little lady is Mila".

"Hey Mila" Finn smiled "I've heard a lot about you from your mom and your Aunty Quinn".

"So, are you dating my Aunty Quinn? Do I get to call you Uncle Finn now?" Mila asked.

"Mila!" Santana scolded once again, the fact her daughter had developed her straight up attitude was becoming glaringly more obvious as the years went on.

"It's okay Santana" Quinn laughed "Hmm...I'm not sure he's quite Uncle Finn material yet Mila but...maybe one day soon he will be" she said, directing the last part over to Finn and causing him to break out into an even goofier grin.

If Santana wasn't so happy in her own love bubble, she probably would have found the level of cuteness between Finn and Quinn pretty gross, but she was actually just so happy that Quinn seemed to be finding her own happiness.

"So, do you guys have any nice plans for this evening?" Finn asked in between mouthfuls of food.

"I think just another movie night for the three of us" Santana replied.

"One of our favourite things to do as a family" Brittany added, and Santana couldn't help but smile wide at the sound of Brittany calling them a family once again.

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