Chapter 4

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It was a Wednesday lunchtime at school, and Santana and Brittany were sat on a table filled with all of their cheerleading friends. They were near the end of high school, had great friends around them, were on track to win nationals, and they were 2 of the most popular girls in school. Something Santana felt heavily accomplished for, as she knew the work she did in middle school to prime them, had secured their high school popularity.

These last few weeks were about spending time together before saying goodbye and heading off separate ways, but not for Brittany and Santana who were of course both going to New York. Santana looked around and sighed, she really would miss everyone. Still at least they had Senior Prom to come, one last night to celebrate altogether. Suddenly a hand tapped her, distracting from her thoughts.

"Hey Santana, can I grab you for just a sec?" it was Noah Puckerman. The school bad boy, and newest addition to the football team, known affectionately as Puck. Puck had transferred from another school for his senior year, rumour has it he was kicked out, and McKinley High was his 5th High School. Something about his bad reputation was incredibly appealing to Santana, this was the kind of footballer she wanted to date, not someone squeaky clean like Finn. Puck would add edge to her rep.

"Sure" Santana smiled, walking off with the mohawked boy.

Brittany watched as Santana and Puck chatted excitedly. She couldn't help noticing how much Puck kept touhing her, and how every time he did, Santana would blush. She giggled like a little girl around him, it was obvious she liked him. Brittany sighed. Ever since they had kissed, her feelings for Santana only grew deeper, but Santana's reaction the morning after pretty much told her everything she needed to know.

All she could do was carry on as normal and try and forget about Santana and find somebody else, she would just have to be happy to have her as a best friend. Her mom had always told her about how love is selfless, and how you truly know you love someone when you want their happiness, and if their happiness isn't with you then you love them enough to let them go. Brittany thought this was both painful but beautiful.

Brittany headed towards her locker, ready for next period. Her thoughts were distracted by Santana returning next to her as she reached into her locker for her books. She looked coy and excited, and Brittany prepared to put on a brave face and be the 'excited best friend' that Santana deserved.

"What did Puck want San? You look happy"

"He asked me to prom." Santana let out a shy smile, looking down at her hands

"What did you say?" Brittany cursed inwardly for the over enthusiastic shriek in her voice, she was sure it would be a dead giveaway, but Santana seemed not to notice.

"I said no silly! I'm going with you." Santana smiled, before holding out her pinkie for Brittany to link. Brittany smiled, 13 years on and they still had the tradition.

Brittany was about to speak when Sam walked past with a smile, doing his best Darth Vader impression. Sam was the king of impressions, and while Brittany found them hilarious, they made Santana cringe and she couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Honestly Brit, he almost tripped over his tongue staring at you just then, but I guess he must be used to it from all the times he's tripped over his gigantic balloon lips"

That's what gave Brittany her brainwave, as she remembered her mom's words about true loving being selfless.

"He asked me to prom you know" this caught Santana off guard as she turned to Brittany.

" never said before"

"Well I figured there was no need since you and I were going together, but now Puck's asked you, and Sam's asked me, we may as well both go with them, right?"

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