Chapter 18

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Santana sipped on her cocktail, her fourth one of the night. She was enjoying the sweet taste and the dizzy feeling that was coming over her. Her phone buzzed and as she read it, she rolled her eyes, placing her phone back on the table, face down.

"Who was that?" Quinn laughed, absorbing Santana's face

"Calvin" Santana replied, rolling her eyes again.

Quinn was about to reply when she caught sight of someone she knew, she glanced over with a smile and a wave, causing Santana to spin around and see who Quinn was waving at. Blonde, pretty, great smile. Santana didn't recognise her. She turned back to Quinn with a questioning look.

"My friend Dani" Quinn smiled "I used to work with her at the hotel"

Quinn's parents had given up on Pharmacies, and now owned a chain of hotels. Quinn was the manager for the Lima one, and her Customer Service skills had definitely improved. Long gone was the attitude-ridden teenager, in favour of a classy, more elegant Quinn.

"Oh" Santana replied, taking the straw into her mouth for another sip of her cocktail, before adding with a smirk "And who's the dude?" referring to the attractive mixed- race boy sitting with Dani.

"I'm not sure, but he's definitely not her boyfriend, because Dani is hella gay"

This caused Santana to spit her straw out and look up in shock.

"She's a lesbian!?" she exclaimed, causing Quinn to laugh.

"Yeah...what's the big deal?"

"No big deal of course. I love the homo's, I just didn't expect I mean...she just doesn't look gay" Santana explained with a shrug, turning back to look at the attractive blonde again.

"Since when did being gay have a look attached to it?" Quinn remarked, raising her eyebrow.

Santana looked down and continued to sip her drink. Quinn was right, she shouldn't stereotype. She just always had a picture of lesbians in her head, being butch with short hair and baggy clothes. It was really the only representation of lesbians she had seen. Dani completely stamped all over that stereotype. She was feminine and wore a lot of makeup to accentuate her dark features. Santana actually thought she was pretty damn hot. She was distracted from her perving by Quinn.

"Anyway...quit eyeing the guy up, you've got enough going on. Tell me about Calvin"

"Oh, you know how he is. He's always plaguing me with calls and texts, trying to get me to meet up with him. He knows I'm out tonight, so he'll be chasing a hook up. But honestly this time Quinn, I'm done with him. He's just a fuck boy. I need a real man"

Quinn laughed and rolled her eyes knowingly. Santana's dating history was more than problematic.

Santana hadn't even considered dating anyone for the first two years of Mila's life. There was the odd hook up here and there, but nothing serious. But as Mila got older, everyone around her was encouraging her to find someone.

"Just because you have a baby Mija, doesn't mean life has to stop for you. There's someone out there who will love both of you." Maribel had encouraged shortly after Mila's 2nd birthday.

Truthfully, Santana would have loved to find someone, to have that family unit. She wanted it for Mila, more than herself. Puck was way out of the picture so, she longed for a father figure for her. But no matter how hard she tried, it never happened for her. She found herself wanting to hook up more than date. Sometimes a guy she hooked up with would try and take her out, make more of it, but she always found herself declining.

She really struggled to connect emotionally with boys, and she had no idea why. Maybe it was because of Puck, and the way she lost her virginity. The way she ended up pregnant after her first time only to be tossed aside so cruelly by him. Maybe it was because she looked at everything as a parent now. She vetted potential partners as potential fathers for Mila. She didn't date like a normal 23-year-old would.

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