Chapter 44

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Thanks for the reviews as always guys, and a huge thank you to all you silent readers too who are still on this journey. This is my first story and I'm really enjoying seeing the various reactions and improving myself as I go.

A Santana POV chapter for you as the girls enjoy their first week in Hawaii, the second week will be in Brittany's :) Then we get into all that good stuff as they slide into life back at home. I know lots of you are excited to see the dynamic with Mila, so stay tuned!

Enjoy, and as always, would love to hear your thoughts! It's weird writing fluff for them after so much angst haha.

The first day in paradise was spent lounging in a cabana by the pool, curled up on the bed together, with Brittany reading a book and myself thumbing through various magazines. We enjoyed lazy kisses and tropical cocktails, taking full advantage of the happy hour on offer. Tired from all of the sun and alcohol, I was glad we came to the easy decision to order room service for our first night, rather than go out for dinner. As we sat out on the lanai in the warm evening air, I felt a wave of contentment take over me and settle in my bones. My salmon and Japanese yam had been delicious, and I couldn't help but smile as I watched Brittany tucking into her poke bowl, her nose slightly pinkened as I admired the flush of freckles adorning her face, caused by the Hawaiian rays. She was so effortlessly beautiful, and I couldn't believe that I was the one sitting here with her.

I reached out and brushed my hand tentatively against hers, the fact I could openly do that now being so new to me, smiling even wider when she interlocked fingers with my own.

"This really has been the most perfect day Brit" I sighed.

"Oh, undoubtedly so" Brittany nodded "It's like being in heaven. And we have a whole two weeks of this."

She crinkled her nose in an adorable fashion, and I felt my breath hitch. My emotions had been haywire all day, having to be around Brittany in a bikini, married with the fact that I had waited so long to have her. But I also didn't want to rush things, so I leaned forward to give Brittany a light kiss on the head and stood up in an effort to calm myself down.

"I'm just going to go and take a quick shower B, I'm so sticky from all of the sunscreen. Not to mention a little sweaty." I told her, blushing at my choice of words as I watched Brittany's eyes travel down my "sticky and sweaty" body.

"Okay honey, I'll clear these plates away and have someone come and collect them and pour us a glass of wine" said Brittany, her hair blowing in the breeze, soft and frizzing at the ends from when she had washed it earlier, choosing to shower as soon as we got back to the room whilst I had ordered dinner for us.

When I got into my own shower, I made sure it was a cold one, because I damn sure needed it and not only for just the heat. I knew that tonight was the first proper night alone in a bed with Brittany since everything, and I didn't know what the implications were behind that. Communication clearly hasn't been our strong point in the past, but first-time sex with someone isn't something you address even if you're as good at talking as Oprah. Talking about it completely kills the mood, it just happens, but not knowing when that was going to be and how it was going to go down was driving me crazy.

I've wanted Brit for so long. In every sense. Emotionally, physically, romantically and sexually, but I was hyper aware of the latter being a big step for us since it was uncharted territory. Was it going to be awkward at all? There was also the fact that it was Brittany's first time with a girl, and I should know from experience, how daunting that could be. I wanted it to be special for her, and for her to enjoy it. My relationship with Dani may not have been great or right for me, but I won't deny the effort she put in to make my first time with a girl memorable. I wanted that for Brittany ten-fold. But I also didn't want to make a scene that made her feel like it had to happen at a certain time. If I went all out one night with rose-petals on the bed and dim candlelight, maybe she'd feel pressured to do it before she actually wanted to. I wanted it to be natural and organic. Then there was the fact I'd assumedly have to take the lead, and that felt like a lot of pressure. What if Brittany thought I sucked at it? What if she hated it so much, she decided being with a woman wasn't for her and went back to men again?

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