Chapter 9

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It was the day of Brittany's flight to New York, and Santana felt sick. She was in the back of the car with The Pierce's, taking Brittany to the airport. Brittany was staring out of the window, taking in the scenic Ohio streets, a vast change from the concrete jungle she was about to move to. She suddenly turned to Santana who was looking rather emotional, and she held out her hand for her to take, giving it a gentle squeeze.

She guessed the emotion was down to Santana still not having heard back from NYU, but there was still another 3 weeks before term started, and Brittany was confident she would get in. Santana was so clever. Much smarter than herself.

She had told Santana to book her flight out to New York on the same day and although initially agreeing in the coffee shop, that night when they got home, Santana had said she was just going to wait until she heard back. She didn't want to jinx it.

"You're being silly San! You're going to get in! You need to come now with me so we can get a feel for the place, scope out where to live, make new friends"

She had pleaded with Santana to book her flight and come with her, but to no avail, so then she had changed tactics. She would change her flight and rebook for when Santana was flying out. They were starting this journey together, the way they had always planned.

"No Brittany look, you're being ridiculous. You've paid for your flight already, it's going to cost you money to change it, and I don't think your parents would be too happy about that. Besides if we both go late, we're gonna be left with all the crappy places to live, someone needs to go out there and scope it out for us. I'm gonna be 2 weeks behind you okay? 2 weeks tops. So you're gonna get on that plane, and go to New York, and wait for me there okay?"

Santana had said. She felt so guilty for lying, but she needed Brittany to get on the plane. Then she'd sort out what she needed to do. She had to end up in New York with Brittany eventually, it was their life-long dream. Maybe it would just take a little longer than 2 weeks. So that brought them to today.

Saying goodbye.

Brittany had said goodbye to her family at the car. If everyone clambered into the airport with her, she knew she'd get too emotional and find it hard to leave, so she just took Santana inside with her.

Knowing the girl needed comfort, Santana took Brittany's hand and guided her into the airport, wheeling her suitcase for her. After they checked in, they began to walk together towards the departure gates. Santana would go as far as they would let her.

"Don't forget to call me as soon as you land, okay?" Santana asked "And don't forget if anyone's mean to you, just tell me right away, and I mean it Brit I'm on the next flight over ready to go all Lima Heights on them. And if you're missing home and really hating it, you can always come home, you know that?"

Brittany stopped and stood in front of Santana.

"Are you sure you don't want me to delay?" she stared deeply at Santana. She willed for the girl to say yes. Sure, she was excited for New York, but it didn't feel right going without her best friend.

Santana hesitated. She could just tell Brittany everything now, and they could turn around and go back to Lima.

", you're getting on that plane" she swallowed.

Brittany dropped her cabin bag and scooted closer to Santana.

"Close your eyes?"

Santana giggled slightly, looking up at Brittany.

"Close your eyes!" Brittany repeated again with a stern smile.

Santana did as she was told and closed her eyes with a smile, as Brittany gently grabbed her hand, carefully extending her pointer finger. She then pulled out a small key ring of the world, spinning it with her hands in front of Santana's finger. As it stopped, she pressed it on Santana's fingertip, causing Santana to open her eyes. She looked at the key ring, before glancing up at Brittany, and back down at the key ring again.

"New York" she smiled, seeing where her finger had landed.

Brittany smiled, placing the key ring in Santana's hand before linking their pinkies together. For once, Santana felt the contact wasn't enough, so she lunged forward and embraced Brittany in a full body hug. She stood on her tip toes to reach Brittany's shoulders, while Brittany wrapped her arms tightly around Santana's back. Neither of them wanted to let go, and they stood still like that for a few minutes.

As she reluctantly pulled away, Santana subconsciously placed her hands-on Brittany's neck, pulling their faces in close together. One more inch, and they'd be touching. She pressed her nose against Brittany's, her hand flat against the back of Brittany's neck, and just stared. Brittany had her eyes closed, and her head slightly bowed, as she felt the powerful embrace.

Santana closed her eyes and felt both of their bodies twitch, as they moved towards each other, almost as if they were about to kiss. She reached for her other hand to stroke Brittany's face. The gesture so intimate and emotional. Santana watched Brittany, who still had her eyes closed, and traced her face delicately with her fingers. It was like she was touching and seeing her for the 1st time, and the last time.

Brittany finally opened her eyes and pulled back, full of emotion, as she let out a watery smile. Santana continued to look at her as she swallowed.

"What was that!?" Santana wondered, thinking about their charged exchange, before placing a hand on Brittany's shoulder.

"Keep in touch okay?"

"Okay" Brittany whispered, before pulling away fully from Santana to grab her bag.

"See you in two weeks San!" she laughed, gathering herself from her emotions, before the announcement of her flight caused her smile to drop again. It was time to say goodbye. What if Santana never came to New York?

Knowing if she hugged Santana again, she would never let go, she settled for a small wave instead.

Santana watched with a smile, as Brittany headed towards the departure gate, she knew this was right for her. Brittany turned with a wave, before making the number 2 with her hands, and mouthing "two weeks!", before she disappeared out of sight.

Santana stared down at the key ring in her hands, before bringing it up to her chest and clasping it tight. She needed a plan, and she needed it now.

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