Chapter 12

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Another 3 months had gone by, and Santana was due any day now. She had her flight to New York booked, ready to start her spring term at NYU. She was really excited to move, and really excited to start college, but she was of course most excited to be reunited with Brittany. They were finally at the finish line, and neither girl could wait. It had been really tough lying to Brittany about the pregnancy, especially when they spoke as often as they did, but Santana had to remember why she didn't tell her in the first place. She just hoped the baby would come sooner rather than later, to give her more time to prepare for her move.

"I just can't believe that in 2 weeks, you'll finally be here with me, and I won't have to speak to you through a screen" said Brittany, on their routine nightly Skype conversation.

"I know Brit" Santana sighed happily "you have no idea how excited I am to see you. I've missed you so much"

"Believe me San, I do know" Brittany replied, reflecting on her own excitement.

Santana flinched; it was the pain again. She'd been having it all day, nothing too strong, just the odd jab here and there. She didn't think it was labour, she'd watched enough medical dramas to know how bad labour would feel, and these minor pains couldn't possibly be it. She put it down to the baby moving around, getting ready to make her entrance into the world. She could hear Brittany speaking about something, but she couldn't focus on what she was saying due to the sudden pain.

"What is it?" Brittany's brow furrowed in concern, as she noticed her friend distort her face in pain

"Nothing...sorry, just a bit of period pain" Santana lied "Sorry what were you saying?"

"I was just telling you about how much you're going to love this coffee shop, honestly you'll never go to Lima Bean again, after trying New York coffee"

"Well I can't wait to see what it's all about Brit. 2 weeks" she smiled excitedly "I hope it fly's by because.... owwwww" Santana yelped, the pain suddenly hitting her again, causing concern to rise on Brittany's face. Since when did her best friend cause such fuss over a little period pain, Santana was a hard nut!

"Are you sure you're okay honey?" she frowned

Santana nodded with a grimace, squeezing tight on the cushion she was holding against her stomach, when suddenly she felt a mild popping sensation.

"Okay that didn't feel right" she thought, as she looked down to see a wet patch on her bed. Her waters...shit!

"Actually Brit, I'm gonna have to go, this period pain is suddenly really bad, I need to go take some Advil and lie down"

"Oh no, I'm sorry you're not feeling great sweetie, I ho..."

"Bye Brit" Santana interrupted, before slamming her laptop shut. If she didn't do it then, Brittany would have heard the almighty shriek Santana let out, she couldn't hold it in. The pain was suddenly excruciating, and Santana was terrified.

Maribel frantically ran upstairs after hearing the cries from her daughter, she had been on red alert the past few days, knowing Santana could go into labour any day now.

"Mom!" Santana cried from her position on the bed, panting in pain "Mom I'm scared!"

Maribel had never seen her daughter looking or sounding so vulnerable. She was scared too, but she couldn't show Santana that.

"It's okay mija, it's okay, shhhh. This is exciting!" she comforted, going over to rub Santana's back and tuck a piece of hair away from her face. She continued to comfort Santana as she breathed through another contraction.

"You're doing great already baby. You're doing great. Now, can you stand?" Maribel asked, in between contractions. It wasn't long before another contraction hit, causing Santana to cry out in pain.

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