Chapter 24

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The next day, Denver had left for work early, so not to bump into Brittany beforehand. Brittany hadn't heard from him all day and was under firm instruction from Santana not to text him first. Santana had gone to work with Brittany again, popping out briefly to pick up a little gift for her.

When they had wrapped up for the day, Santana walked over to Brittany and presented her with the gift bag.

"Just a little something to make you smile" said Santana, hoping the gesture would pick her up.

Brittany's face lit up, as she opened the bag containing a bag of her favourite sweets, a small slice of raspberry and white chocolate cake, and a Jasmine scented candle from Bath and Body Works.

"I love it, thank you so much babe. That's definitely put a smile on my face" Brittany smiled, reaching out to give Santana a hug.

The two of them headed home to get ready for the night. At midnight, it would be Santana's birthday, so they were heading out to a rooftop pool party at Dream Hotel Downtown. It was a chance for them to truly let their hair down, and Brittany had managed to get tomorrow off work, putting more hours in on Friday instead when Santana would be heading back to Lima.

Brittany decided to text Denver, not to apologise, but simply to let him know she wouldn't be home until late and not to wait up. She had learned from her mistakes last time, but she made sure to keep the message extra blunt.

The night was in full swing, and both girls were drunk and having the time of their lives. Brittany was still sober enough to keep track of the time, ready to wish Santana a happy birthday.

"One minute to go San!" Brittany cheered, raising her red cup filled with gin and tonic in the air. Santana giggled at the girl's adorableness, drunkenly wrapping her arm around her. As Brittany stared at her phone, she squeezed Santana enthusiastically.

"This is it! The big countdown" she said, counting down to Santana's birthday like it was New Year's Eve, much to Santana's amusement.

"10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...HAPPY BIRTHDAY SANNY!" she shouted enthusiastically, drunkenly scooping the smaller girl up into her arms, Santana's legs wrapped tight around her waist as they laughed hysterically together. As she placed Santana back down, Santana lost her footing, and fell into the pool behind her.

Brittany raised her hands to her mouth and gasped, watching as Santana emerged soaking wet, before bursting into a fit of laughter. Santana glared at Brittany for a second, pretending to be angry, before being unable to stifle her laughter any longer. When they had calmed down, Santana swam to the edge of the pool and reached out her hand.

"Come on, help me out" she laughed. Brittany stepped forward to take Santana's hand, but before she could help pull her up, Santana took her by surprise and yanked on her arm to pull her in.

Brittany screamed as she hit the water, popping back up again to find a hysterical Santana, as she wiped the water from her eyes.

"Oh you're so gonna pay for that Lopez!" Brittany grinned, splashing Santana with the water.

"Come on, come on, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Santana laughed frantically, shielding herself from Brittany's splashing.

The two of them stood to observe their drenched attire, as Santana stared at Brittany's white shirt, which had now gone see through, revealing her bra underneath.

"You're looking way too hot right now Brit" Santana said, pointing at Brittany's shirt.

Brittany looked down, the energy around them felt charged. She broke the tension by diving forward and picking Santana up, throwing her back down into the water, the two of them exploding into giggles again as they splashed playfully at each other.

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