Chapter 27

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As Monday rolled around, with Mila in pre-school and Santana back at work, Brittany decided it was time to emerge from her bubble and face reality with Denver. She had arranged with Chris, the show director for Aladdin, that she would need another week off work, but that they would touch base from there. She was just glad he was so understanding, a perk of her being high up and well respected in her dance career, alongside his empathy from being in the situation himself. She of course hadn't told him about her pondering about leaving New York for good, because she still had the decision to make. She hoped the conversation with Denver would help her reach a decision, so on the Monday she unblocked his number to send a message.

We need to talk about everything. I'm in Lima, staying at Santana's for the time being. Is there any way you can get here this weekend? I'd rather do this in person.

Denver's reply was instant, a simple;

I'll be there X

Brittany sighed and tossed her phone aside so she wouldn't have to look at the inevitable pleading texts from Denver that were about to come her way. It was obvious he wasn't going to let her go without a fight.

As the week continued, fifth week of pregnancy hit Brittany like a ton of bricks. On the first morning she had dashed to the bathroom before it was even light outside, and vomited so violently, she almost thought she was going to throw up the baby. As she whimpered, feeling sorry for herself, she felt a comforting hand rub her back. The other hand made its way to her hair, scooping it out of the way.

"I'm here Britty" Santana said softly, placing a chaste kiss against the back of her neck. She had been lucky enough to not suffer with much morning sickness, but seeing Brittany struggling made her wish she could just take it from her. She never did well with seeing the blonde upset, unwell or in pain.

Come Friday, Brittany was feeling pretty fed up, as she emerged from the bathroom again after a rough morning. She entered Santana's bedroom with a groan, as Santana sat at the dressing table, applying her makeup for work.

"Oh Brit, is there anything I can do for you?" Santana pouted sympathetically, as Brittany flopped back on the bed.

"I don't think there's much you can do" Brittany sighed "Just gotta ride it out I guess"

Santana walked over to the bed to lightly stroke Brittany's forehead

"Maybe I should stay home from work today and look after you. You've been like this all week, and I hate the thought of leaving you here alone sick"

"I'm not sick San, I'm pregnant" Brittany replied, forcing a smile to let the worried Latina know she was okay "You can't stay home just to look after me, I could be like this for weeks"

Santana stared at Brittany, unsure.

"I guess so...but if you are feeling really bad, will you promise to go over to your mom's house so she can look after you?"

"Yes, I can do that" Brittany replied, trying her best to ease Santana's concerns.

Santana was still apprehensive, but she let up, knowing that Brittany would at least stick to her promise. She heard the sound of little footsteps running into the room, and she wondered why Mila was up 10 minutes before she needed to be up for school. The little girl had concern etched all over her face, as she looked up at Santana.

"Aunty Brit-Brit was sick again?" she asked tentatively

Every morning Mila had heard Brittany throwing up, and she was starting to ask questions about it. She had inherited her mother's trait for worrying, and Santana and Brittany were beginning to think they'd have to tell her about the pregnancy, to stop her mind running away with itself. They would have liked to have waited until after the first trimester, when the pregnancy carried less risks, but they weren't sure how long they could carry on deceiving Mila, when she was so anxious about everything.

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