Chapter 16

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It was the next day, and Brittany and Santana were sitting in the park together with their coffee's. They'd spent the rest of Saturday together, just playing with Mila and having a big old catch up, before Brittany had left to go and spend some time with her family. She had her flight back to New York Sunday evening, so it was a short but sweet visit. Knowing how much her daughter needed some time alone with her best friend, away from being a mother, Maribel offered to watch Mila.

"Nope. I'm sorry, but it just doesn't taste the same now." Brittany laughed, taking a sip of her coffee "Once you have New York coffee, I'm telling you, you never go back."

Santana laughed along with Brittany, before her face fell, letting out a sad smile.

"Well at least in a matter of hours, you'll be back there"

"Yeah" Brittany smiled sadly, letting out a sigh.

"I'll have to come visit you" Santana said, breaking the unhappy silence that had washed over them "When Mila is a bit older though. I don't think I could get on a plane with her just yet" she laughed.

"Santana?" Brittany asked softly, causing Santana to turn and look at her.


"I don't wanna go back to New York" Brittany confessed.

Santana nodded at the blonde, urging her to continue.

"It's's just not what I expected it to be. I love the coffee, but that's about it. I'm desperately lonely over there, and I don't fit in. I miss my family, I miss Lima, I" Brittany admitted, unable to stop the tears falling from her eyes.

Santana reached out to tenderly wipe Brittany's tears away. She hated seeing Brittany cry more than anything.

"The only thing keeping me hanging on out there was the fact you were coming, but now you're not" Brittany smiled sadly "And being back here in Lima, around everyone I love, has only made me realise how much I just don't wanna go back there."


"No San, just listen. I've spent months tangled up in knots, and in 5 minutes of being back here, you straightened me out." Brittany adjusts herself to rest again Santana, laying her head on her shoulder. Santana brings her arm up around Brittany, softly stroking her arm. It would usually be the other way around, but today, Brittany needed the comfort.

"New York was exciting when you were in the picture, now you're not going to be, it's just...dull and grey. Lima, the place I've wanted to get out of my whole life is suddenly the place I want to be. And you know what I think I've just realised? Home isn't just a destination to me, it's you. It's wherever I am in the world with you. We can live the life we wanted in New York, but here instead. As long as we're together, nothing else matters".

"You and me..." Brittany continued taking Santana's hand into her lap.

"Me and you" she whispered, absentmindedly drawing a heart with her finger on Santana's hand.

"Both of us together" she smiled, this time clasping her fingers around the hand, their fingers gliding perfectly together.

Santana's eyes filled up with tears as she stared down at Brittany. Her words were so simple yet so powerful. Santana knew she felt the same way. Brittany was her happiness and her home and her comfort. With Brittany, she could do anything. She was distracted by Brittany moving, rumbling in her pocket for something.

"What are you doing?" asked Santana

"I'm cancelling my flight. I'm staying right here, where I belong" Brittany said simply.

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