Chapter 17

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Hi guys, Hope you're all enjoying so far. It's going to be a journey, but I promise it's a good one if you stick with it :)

In this chapter, we take a five year jump, taking us closer to the opening scene. Don't worry though, there'll be flashbacks along the way to fill in the cracks.

Enjoy, and let me know your thoughts! Xx

5 Years Later- March 2014

"Honestly Brit, I wanted the ground to swallow me up. I know she said it on purpose to embarrass me" said Santana, on FaceTime to Brittany. They had come a long way in terms of technology, since their Skype days.

Brittany chuckled as she imagined the story in her head, of a 5-year-old Mila walking in to find a strange man in her Mom's bed that morning. Luckily, they weren't indecent, but as the man scrambled up to leave Mila had innocently asked:

"Are you my Daddy?" leaving Santana blushing bright red.

"She's a smart lady, like her Mama" Brittany laughed

"She's a little madam is what she is! I need a lock on my door"

"Orrrr just stop bringing strange men home?" Brittany teased, poking out her tongue.

"I have needs Brit!" Santana moaned in frustration.

Brittany was startled by the door closing, alerting her to her boyfriend's return home from work.

"I better go San, that's Denver home, but I'll text you. FaceTime me later when you're putting Meels to bed, I wanna kiss my Goddaughter goodnight"

Santana smiled. Although separated by distance, her and Brittany were still closer than ever, and Santana adored Brittany's relationship with Mila. It had become a tradition for them to say goodnight over FaceTime every night.

She was the perfect Godparent, and Mila loved her Aunty Brit-Brit. She especially loved going to visit her in New York, or when Brittany came to Lima, bringing lots of presents back. They'd get to see her 4/5 times a year, fitting in with Brittany's busy job as a Broadway Choreographer.

Mila also loved her Aunty Quinn, who she got see all the time. Aunty Quinn was the funny one, with the wild stories. She would make Mila belly laugh. Aunty Brit-Brit was the one who gave great cuddles and always cheered Mila up if she needed it.

If she had a bad day at school, she would ask to FaceTime Aunty Brit-Brit, knowing she could make it all better. It made Santana melt, seeing how her daughter used Brittany as a source of comfort in the same way she always did.

"You know I always hated school too, but your Mommy made it so much better for me. Then I started to really love it, and I missed it when it was time to leave" Brittany would tell her, causing Santana to smile as she listened to her. Brittany really had come full circle.

She was so proud of Brittany. She had stuck it out in New York and made a life there for herself. When she met Denver, things had gotten better for her, and she started settling into the flow of New York. She made friends, and she embraced it all.

She cried at Graduation because she didn't want to leave, similar to her experience of Elementary School. When Brittany broke the news that she'd be staying in New York because she'd been offered an Assistant Choreographer job for Wicked on Broadway, Santana was bursting in pride. Of course, for selfish reason, she wanted her to come back to Lima, but she had always wanted Brittany to chase her dreams. And she was, she was living it.

Santana didn't feel quite so accomplished. She was a single mom with a turbulent dating life. She didn't have a college degree, but she had recently landed an Executive Assistant role at a Law Firm, so it was a start. She would have loved nothing more than to go to college part time, but it seemed so out of reach for her.

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