Chapter 56

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Hello beautiful people!!

I hope you'll forgive me for what's probably been my longest gap between updating so far. Once again I've been incredibly busy. This chapter was actually meant to be a lot longer but I've had this part finished for a while now and haven't yet had chance to visit the other part, so I decided to split into two to give you guys a little something to tide you over. Because of me splitting it, it's not a chapter with massive substance, but it spells the end of their first couple of nights moved in together, and in the next chapter we'll start a fresh and move on to celebrating Santana's birthday. I actually have the full story planned out in terms of where it's going, how many chapters etc., it's just finding the time to write. But the updates will always come, so thank you for sticking with x

Mila fell asleep pretty early that night, tired from her late night the night before, which left Brittany, Santana and Quinn chatting until dusk. Quinn sat on the arm chair, observing her friends with a smile, as a tired looking Santana rested her head on Brittany's shoulder. They had told her everything about Brittany's move here; and Quinn couldn't be happier for the loved up couple. As Quinn finished her second cup of juice, Brittany stood up to refill the glass, having slotted right in with being the perfect host in her new home.

"Are you sure I can't tempt you with something a little stronger, Quinn?" Brittany asked lightly, before breezing into the kitchen and observing their cabinet "We have wine, gin, vodka...I know San keeps tequila in the cupboard but it's a Monday so I'm guessing that's off the cards."

Santana flashed Quinn an apologetic smile, but Quinn shook her head, signalling for her not to worry. She had this.

"Just a water is good actually Brit" she called through "There's actually something I need to talk to you about."

Santana heard the faucet turn on and she turned to Quinn before her girlfriend returned.

"You don't have to tell her if you don't want to..."

The last thing Santana wanted was for Quinn to feel pressured to tell Brittany, just because she was Santana's partner, at a stage where Quinn wasn't even sure what she wanted to do.

"No, I want to. You're my best friend Santana, but Brittany is my friend too, and I'm sure we're only going to get even closer now she's living here. I trust her and...besides, another pair of ears can always he helpful."

Santana simply smiled, just in time for Brittany to return with the water, a curious look crossing her face as she looked between Quinn and Santana.

"Is everything okay?"

Quinn took a deep breath as Brittany sat down, as she relayed what she had earlier told Santana, to Brittany. Saying it out loud for the second time made it feel even more real, and she found herself getting a little teary again.

"Oh Quinn, can I give you a hug?" Brittany asked softly, as soon as Quinn had finished talking.

Quinn nodded appreciatively as she stood up to accept Brittany's hug, and Santana simply smiled as she observed how tender and caring her girlfriend was with her best friend, she always knew the best ways to comfort people. Santana knew that more than anyone.

Brittany waited until Quinn felt ready to let go and pull away from the much needed hug, before leading her over to the couch, seating her between herself and Santana. As Santana rested her head upon Quinn's shoulder, Brittany stroked up and down her arm, the two of them providing some much needed comfort and armour for Quinn.

"It's Finn's 30th birthday today. We were supposed to have dinner, but I cancelled on him, told him I felt sick. I just couldn't face him after I found out. I'm a terrible girlfriend."

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