Chapter 52

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AN: Hello lovely people!!!

It's been a while- I know. So first of all I wanna say a huge thank you for everyone being so patient with this story and still reading. Life's just been busy recently so the updates haven't been as frequent as I would like, but I wanna assure you all that this story won't go unfinished. I now have the end in sight and how everything is going to pan out/how many chapters there are going to be etc. (and still have plans for the sequel too). Essentially now I have a loose plan (things may ofc change along the way because I always want to write organically if things crop up in the storyline etc), it should be easier for me to update. I'm hoping I can get the updates up more frequently now, but rest assured that no matter how busy I get, this story is my baby and I'll never abandon it.

This next chapter is supposed to be longer and cover the whole trip in New York, but the ending is not finished and as it's Mothers Day today in the US, I really wanted to get this update out today as it's fitting, so decided to split into two parts.

So- bit of a filler chapter, but I hope you enjoy!

As always, your thoughts and reviews are appreciated


As the three of them got back to Brittany's 2-bed apartment, Santana flopped back on the couch, feeling right at home. She was tired from the long week she'd had, but just so happy to be here, where she felt she belonged.

"Hey Moo, why don't we take your bag through to your room?" said Brittany nodding towards the spare room where Mila always slept when she came here. She picked up Mila's bag and extended her other hand out to her, mindful of her ankle.

As they got into the room Mila gasped, followed by a shriek of excitement, which caused Santana to get up off to couch and see what all the fuss was about.

"What's going on?" she asked curiously, as she approached the doorway where her girlfriend and daughter were standing.

Brittany moved her hand off the doorframe so that Santana could get through and see for herself, as Mila excitedly spun around.

"Aunty Brit gave me a unicorn bedroom!"

Santana glanced around the room to see that Brittany's spare room, which was ordinarily a blank canvas and kept very neutral for guests, had been converted to unicorn magic. Just a few slight changes, new bedsheets, some fairy lights and the oak dresser painted white and pastel pink made it feel more like Mila's own little sanctuary rather than a guest bedroom. It made Santana's heart melt to see that Brittany had gone to such effort, and she flashed her girlfriend a grateful smile.

"You like it?" Brittany asked the little girl, already knowing what her answer would be.

"I love it!" Mila proclaimed.

"You wanna see the best part?"

Mila nodded enthusiastically, as Brittany walked over to close the curtains to rid the room of the dusky light, before walking over to the bedside table and flicking a switch. Instantly, the whole room lit up in a burst of pink and purple, and Mila's big brown eyes grew mesmerised.

"It's a star projector" Brittany explained "I thought we could go one better than the glow in the dark stars. I know you haven't been sleeping so good lately, so I thought this will make you feel safe. You can keep it on all night, like a night light, and if you're feeling scared just look up at the stars. They'll protect you, I promise".

"It's so awesome!"

"What do you have to say to Aunty Brit, Mila?" Santana gently reminded her.

"Thank you, Aunty Brit, I really love it!"

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