Chapter 6

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Santana ran frantically back towards the school prom, she was hysterically crying as she jabbed her cell phone to call her best friend.

Brittany was slow dancing with Sam, for the last dance. She had hoped to steal Santana for a quick dance, but she had lost sight of her.

"Brittany, is everything okay? Why do you keep glancing around? You're supposed to be here with me" Sam gently reminded her.

And so Brittany had stopped looking for Santana, and there she was in Sam's arms, until her cell phone started to ring. As she moved to her clutch to take out the ringing device, Sam's hand stopped her.

"Brittany just ignore it, it's the last dance together". He smiled.

Brittany reluctantly ignored the phone, and turned her attention to Sam, before it rang again. It must be important; she couldn't just ignore it.

Santana calling

Brittany looked at Sam before raising the phone to her ear, watching his face fall to disappointment.

"Santana where did you go?"

"Brit where are you?" Santana murmured, her tears and the loud music making it difficult for Brittany to understand.

"Wait, what? I can't hear you. Wait, let me move away from the music" Brittany flashed Sam an apologetic smile and headed to the foyer where she could hear better. "Sorry go on"

"Brittany, I need to see you"

Brittany's heart clenched. Santana was crying.

"Oh my god Santana, what's wrong, where are you? I'll come and get you" Brittany said frantically heading through the long hallways, desperate to find her best friend.

"There's been an accident" Santana whimpered.

Brittany's blood ran cold.

"An accident? Santana? What? What's happened? Where are you?"

"No, no sorry, not that type of accident" said Santana, sensing the panic in Brittany's voice. Brittany let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding as Santana continued "I'm outside the main doors, just come and meet me please?"

"Okay, okay just hold on a second babe. I'm going to go and get Sam, see if he can drive us home. You can come back to mine, everyone will be out. Then we can talk okay?" Brittany assured, thankful that her easy-going parents were staying away for the night, as they had silently communicated to Brittany she could use their home for an after party. This was providing she cleaned up any mess made, and nothing was damaged, and no one was too drunk. At least now she wouldn't have to worry about this, as it would just be her and Santana.

Brittany quickly found Sam and offering him little explanation told him he needed to take her and Santana back to her house. Any prom night sexpectations Sam had were quickly shattered, as he watched his 'sort of girlfriend' embrace her best friend, ushering her towards his car.

As Brittany opened the back door for Santana, Santana gulped. Staring at the back seat was conjuring images she wanted to forget.

"Brit...will you sit with me?" Santana asked in a small, childlike manner that made Brittany's heart crash into a thousand pieces. She had never seen Santana so fragile, something bad had to have happened. She looked at her best friend in confusion for a second before sliding into the back seat, pulling Santana with her.

"Of course, San" she responded, taking Santana's hand into her own, and resting it on her lap.

As they drove out of the school towards the dark Lima streets, Sam gazed at the girls through the rear-view mirror.

Brittana- Invisible StringWhere stories live. Discover now