Chapter 25

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8 weeks later

Brittany stared at her phone; her thumb hovering over the call button. It was ironic that the person she wanted to call most about this news, was the person she hadn't spoken to in 8 long weeks.

After they had argued that night back in April, Brittany had chased after Santana, convincing her to go home with her. Santana reluctantly agreed, it wasn't like she had anywhere else to stay, and all of her stuff was at Brittany's so she would have to go back before her flight home the next day. When she had got in, she had gone straight to her room and knowing the Latina needed space, Brittany had returned to her own bedroom with Denver. They had exchanged a few words the next morning, mainly just around the logistics of Santana getting to the airport, but the tension was inevitable. They barely had long to endure the awkwardness though, because Brittany had work and Santana had a cab booked to the airport. They hadn't even hugged goodbye. Brittany felt terrible, she knew she had really hurt Santana, and it was something she never thought she'd do.

Brittany had tried to call and text Santana, but she heard nothing back. She couldn't blame her, what she had said was really hurtful. It was the longest they had gone without speaking, and it was killing Brittany. Why did she have to say something she didn't mean, in a moment of hurt and defensiveness? She threw herself into work and baby-making to keep busy, but she knew she wasn't herself. She'd be returning to Lima for her birthday in August, she could only hope Santana would speak to her then, if she went to her in person.

The only thing keeping her going, was the fact she still got to speak to Mila every night. For the first week, Santana had screened all of Brittany's calls, and whenever Mila asked to speak to her Aunty Brit-Brit, Santana had simply replied "soon sweetheart". But as the week went on, she felt guilty. She knew Mila missed her a lot, and no doubt Brittany would be missing Mila too. She started to let Mila take the iPad every night to FaceTime Brittany, keeping up to their nightly ritual, making sure Brittany had gone before taking the iPad back. A few times, Brittany had stayed on the line and tried to speak as soon as Santana took the iPad, but Santana would simply shut it off. She was far too hurt to speak to her. Mila had questioned why Santana wasn't joining in on their calls, but Santana would always find a way to change a subject. She knew her five-year-old was smart though, and probably suspected something.

It was an extremely painful time for both girls.

Earlier that morning, Brittany had found out she was pregnant. 4-5 weeks pregnant, according to one of the many tests she had taken. She was shaking when the little window had come up positive, even though she had an instinct. She didn't have any symptoms, but she just knew something felt different. She hadn't told Denver she was doing a test because she knew how disappointed he would be if it came back negative, but now she knew she was, she couldn't wait to tell him.

But the person she wanted to tell the most, was Santana. She wasn't sure she was ready when her and Den and started trying, but now she had seen the + sign, she suddenly felt overjoyed. It was like she loved the baby, which was just the size of a poppy seed at this point, already. She felt ready, and all she wanted to do was to share her excitement with her best friend.

As her thumb hovered over the call button still, she thought better of it and sighed sadly. She couldn't conjure up the courage to do it. She knew Santana would probably just decline her call again.

She turned her thoughts to telling Denver, and how happy he would be to hear the news. She decided to do some online research into pregnancy to busy herself, flipping open Denver's MacBook which was next to her, rather than trailing upstairs for her own.

She smiled as she read an article about the size of the embryo and what had developed so far, as early on as it was. She felt herself getting quite emotional, was it the hormones already? She continued reading, when an iMessage popped up, catching her attention.

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