Chapter 33

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As she sat in the cab home, Santana began to recognise there was a familiar pattern in her behaviour. She would realise something way later than she should have, but then once she had realised it, it would be all consuming and she could never go back. It had been that way with her sexuality, and now it was the same with her feelings for Brittany. She couldn't shake the way she felt about her, and it almost seemed senseless that she had taken so long to come to the realisation, knowing that she now felt as strong as she did. There was no way she could hold it in any longer, and certainly no way she could continue dragging Dani along. Especially after tonight. It had been a long, hard 12 weeks of keeping such a secret, and a long hard, 12 weeks of watching Brittany grieve and heal and build her life again. She was just hopeful that her revelation could change both of their worlds forever, and that Brittany would be happy and open to something, rather than weirded out by the fact her childhood best friend was desperately in love with her. She knew Brittany. She knew she would be nothing less than supportive, and she knew that if Brittany let her, she could make her incredibly happy.

"I mean, we're perfect together...right?" Santana mused in her head. Quinn had seen it, Dani had seen it, Santana knew it in her heart. Okay, maybe at first, Brittany would be confused like she was, and she'd refuse to see it. But Santana just had this innate instinct, that Brittany was her person, and whether it was straight away or later on down the line, Brittany would see it too. Even if Brittany rejected her, which she couldn't let herself think too deeply about because the thought crushed her, she had to let her know and hope for the best. This secret was tearing her up inside, and she could no longer handle the suspense of not knowing how Brittany felt about her. She didn't need to visualise too deeply to imagine them as a little family in Lima, Brittany, herself and Mila. Keeping that image in her mind was enough to drive her forward with confidence. The timing just felt right to do it now, and it was taking everything in Santana's power not to tell the cab driver to turn around and head straight to Brittany's house so she could spill it there and then, but she wanted it to be more special than that. So instead, she carried on the route home, her mind spinning with the events of the night and the realisation of what she was soon about to do.

As she let herself in, she found Quinn on the sofa watching old reruns of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, which she instantly switched off as if she had been caught watching something outrageous. Santana felt her lips pull into a smirk at the action. Quinn would tease Santana relentlessly about her addiction to reality TV, but Santana knew that Quinn was partial to it herself, she'd just never admit it.

"What are you doing back so early?" Quinn frowned.

"Early enough to catch your guilty pleasure you mean?" Santana teased, sticking out her tongue, before glancing upstairs "Is Mila asleep?"

Quinn nodded, her green eyes boring into Santana with a questioning look, still wondering why she had arrived back from her date night so early. Santana sat down with a sigh.

"Dani proposed..." she began, watching as Quinn's face changed to one of surprise "I said no" she clarified, on noticing Quinn wasn't sure how to react.

"I guessed so. I mean you've barely been together two minutes so...I don't blame you" Quinn shook her head, seemingly still in shock, then a thought crossed Santana's mind.

" didn't know, did you?"

Quinn shook her head again, but this time out of adamance.

"No! God no. I know you Santana, and I know you wouldn't want to get engaged this early on into a relationship. If she'd have told me she was planning to do that I would have advised her against it. I thought the whole "lesbian couple get a U-Haul after the second date thing" was just a myth but...I mean what was she thinking?"

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