Chapter 49

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The rain was beating down in Lima as Brittany ran through the streets, her hysterical sobs matching the weather. She couldn't believe the conversation she'd just had with her parents; of all the reactions she'd expected; that wasn't it. She stopped to breathe against a wall once she was satisfied that she was far away enough from home, she didn't care that she was getting drenched. She pulled out her phone to frantically dial Santana's number. Luckily, Santana picked up after just three rings.

"Babe! How did it go?"

"Santana, where are you?"

Santana's heart skipped a beat, she could tell by the sound of Brittany's voice that she wasn't okay, she either was crying or had been crying.

"Brit, what's wrong? Are you okay? Did your parents react badly?"

"I just I...I need to see you. I'll explain everything when I see you"

It was the former. Brittany was crying, and Santana felt helpless, as she chewed her lip to stop her own tears.

"It's okay. It's okay babe, it's okay. I'm going to drop Mila at my mom's house now, then I'm driving straight to get you. Where are you?"

"I'm round the corner from my parent's house, by the Starbucks"

"Okay" Santana nodded, making sure her own mind was clear so she could do what she needed to do and get to Brittany "Okay, I'm going to be with you in 15 minutes, I promise. Wait inside the Starbucks so you don't get cold".

"No, I'll be fine here. I don't want to risk seeing anyone"

The crack in Brittany's voice just about broke Santana, but she had to stay strong. She could only wonder what Whitney and Pierce had said to upset her like this.

"But Brit it's pouring with rain out there"

"I said I'm fine Santana" Brittany answered, instantly feeling bad for snapping at her girlfriend when she was just trying to help, but at the same time not being able to combat her emotions.

Santana swallowed and tried not to feel hurt. She knew Brittany was just upset.

"Okay, okay, just wait outside for me. I'll be 15 minutes, I'm getting Mila's stuff together now and I'm getting in the car, and I'll be right with you. Everything's going to be alright Brit, whatever it is, we're going to talk and we're going to get through it together".

Brittany didn't answer that, because this time she wasn't sure talking was going to solve anything. She chewed her lip as she listened to the muffling on the end of the phone as she heard Santana beckoning Mila to come and get in the car.

"Babe? Are you still there?"

"Mm-hm" Brittany nodded, voice small and vulnerable like that of a child.

"I'm getting in the car so I'm going to hang up now, okay? Just hang tight, and I'll be there before you know it, yeah?"

"Yeah" Brittany swallowed.

"I love you Brit; I'll be with you as quick as I can"

Brittany closed her eyes at the words and held the phone to her chest. She just hoped her girlfriend's love could heal the ache she felt gnawing at the pit of her stomach right now.

It felt like hours that she stood in the rain in her tears, waiting for Santana to arrive, but really it was just 15 minutes as promised. She didn't even notice her car pulling up until Santana was standing right in front of her with her arms outstretched, face etched with concern.

"Brit look at you, you're soaked. Come here"

Brittany shook her head and stepped back slightly as she glanced around.

Brittana- Invisible StringWhere stories live. Discover now