Chapter 29

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Chapter Warning: Sensitive content ahead around pregnancy loss

Santana stood frozen as she watched Brittany's face, full of fear and worry. The blonde pleading to Santana with her eyes, to help her. To tell her everything was going to be okay. And then Santana snapped out of her daze, going into autopilot. She gently pushed Brittany back to sit on the closed lid of the toilet seat.

"How much blood Brit?" she asked softly, as she bent down to Brittany's level, her hands placed firmly on Brittany's shoulders.

"I...I...don't know...quite a bit...I think" Brittany stuttered, clearly in shock.

"Okay. Okay Brit, listen I want you to try not to worry okay? Lots of women experience bleeding and spotting early on in their pregnancy. It doesn't mean there is anything wrong with the baby, so I need you to try not to panic" Santana soothed, trying the best to channel her dad's calming nature. Inside, she was panicking too, but she needed to be strong for Brittany.

Brittany nodded through her tears, as she listened to Santana. She was so scared. Santana looked at her watch to check the time. It was approaching 06:30am so it was still early, but she knew Quinn would be awake. She liked to get up early on a morning to go to the gym, but if she was quick, they'd be able to catch her before she left.

"What we're going to do is we're going to get you dressed, then I'm going to call my dad and see if he can get us in at the hospital. It's just a precaution honey, we just want to get you checked out, see what's going on there. But it could be nothing, and until we know, I really want you to keep thinking positive okay?" she explained slowly, her thumbs gliding across Brittany's bare shoulders in an attempt to comfort. "We can drop Mila at Quinn's house on the way. Come on, let's get you dressed" she said softly.

She stood Brittany up, the overwhelming desire to take care of her so prevalent.

"Promise me the baby is going to be okay San, just promise me?" Brittany pleaded, her voice ragged and desperate. And Santana felt broken. She wanted so badly to promise Brittany that, but for the first time ever, she couldn't.

"I promise you that we're going to the best place for you, and I'm going to make sure you get the best care, and I'll be there every step of the way"

It was the best she could do, and Brittany nodded, her face crumpling. It was a sight that Santana couldn't stand to see, and she wrapped Brittany up in her arms and held her so tight. The sound of Brittany's scared sobs cut deep like a knife. Little Poppy had to be okay, they just had to be.

When Brittany was dressed and ready to go, she led her to the car, before running back in to get Mila. She hated leaving Brittany alone even for two minutes. Mila was still of course fast asleep, so she picked her up trying not to wake her, but the little girl was a light sleeper.

"Mama?" she questioned sleepily

"Shhh, go back to sleep baby girl. Mama has somewhere she needs to go with Aunty Brit-Brit, but don't worry. You're going to have a fun day with Aunty Quinn, but it's very early so you can stay sleeping"

Mila looked at her mother questioningly but didn't press her on the issue. Santana let out a sigh of relief as she watched Mila close her eyes again. She picked up a blanket and carried her out, still in her pyjamas. She carefully put her in the back seat of the car in her car seat, and wrapped the blanket around her, before rushing back around to the front of the car.

Brittany only been on her own for a few minutes, but it was a few minutes too long. She checked Mila through the rear-view mirror, happy to see she was still sleeping, and placed a comforting hand on Brittany's leg, offering her a gentle squeeze.

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