Chapter 42

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Authors Note: Switched it up this chapter with some POV. I was going to cut it after Santana's POV and have Brittany's as a separate chapter, but I honestly thought you guys would kill me if I left it on another cliffhanger, so enjoy a super long chapter instead.

Enjoy, and as always, would love to know your thoughts!x

Santana's POV

Have you ever felt that limbo feeling before? The same feeling you get between Christmas and New Year, where everything just feels up in the air. Or on a heavier note, the time between a loved one passing away and the funeral.

That was exactly how I felt right now, in the six days since Brittany's wedding where I had finally grown the courage to tell Brittany how I felt, and today, the day of yet another wedding. The wedding of my friend Ashley, which just so happened to fall on Valentine's Day. That was all I needed, after the haze of the past few days, to see Brittany and her new husband all loved up...on Valentine's Day.

Right after I confessed my love to Brittany, Sam appeared and broke the moment. Naturally he was concerned for his new wife, claiming he'd been looking everywhere for her, but I couldn't help but curse the timing. I could tell Brittany struggled to tear her eyes away from me and look at Sam, and act completely normal, and I struggled to control my breathing and regain composure too. But the moment was gone. Sam led Brittany back inside where I didn't really see her for the rest of the evening. I wasn't sure if that was deliberate on Brittany's part, or if she was genuinely just busy playing host and making sure to spend time with every guest, but either way I knew it was probably for the best.

As much as I so desperately wanted Brittany to kiss me in that moment, and tell me she felt the same, and for the two of us to Thelma and Louise it into the night, that wasn't the reality of the situation. Brittany was married now, and I could really only blame myself for telling her too late. But I say the same to myself as I said to Quinn. The way it came out, I can't regret, because it was just the organic way in which it happened. When I finally told Brit, I had no control over it, almost like I was meant to tell her in that moment. It wasn't like all of those other times where I had nearly told her, but something had held me back. This time, I just had to tell her. Of course, I wish I'd have told her sooner, so we could have been together years ago. So that she didn't have to end up marrying Sam. But maybe there was a reason for that? Maybe if I'd have told her years ago, it would have been the wrong timing, and something awful would have happened to break us up. That's why as much as it pained me to know that I had lost Brittany to Sam, I still held hope that things weren't unfinished between us. That something was going to lead us together, and everything that had happened so far would hold a valid reason in our long journey. I had to hold onto that hope, because it was all I had.

Maybe that was the reason I felt so much in limbo, knowing that today was the first-time seeing Brittany since her wedding day, and that there was so much left unsaid between us. Surely, we were going to have to have another conversation about this. Brittany had pretty much told me that she only married Sam to get over me, so we had to speak about that. For years we've skirted around this and both suffered from our lack of talking, so surely now we had to put that right. I hadn't heard from Brittany at all over the past few days, and I hadn't attempted to reach out to her either, because I figured we both needed space to think over everything. I knew that she and Sam were headed to Columbus for a mini moon, since there was no point returning to New York in the short time between both weddings. How that was going down, I had no idea, given the recent revelations. I could only hope that when we finally saw each other today, we'd be able to have that talk.

I was excited and nervous to see Brittany, but even in the knowledge of knowing her true feelings towards Sam and I, it was still going to be hard to see them together. I was so happy to have Quinn with me as a plus one, because I needed the support.

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