Chapter 19

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The next morning Santana woke up early. It was still dark outside, and she felt like she had barely slept. Her head was banging, her mouth was dry, her stomach was churning, and her mind was swirling with regret. She glanced over at Finn, from her position at the edge of the bed, where she always clung when she had someone sleep over.

Santana had no qualms with the physicality of sex, in fact she would often be the one to take the lead, as she was highly confident. It was afterwards she always felt the most vulnerable. She never wanted to cuddle or touch afterwards or do anything that might be considered as intimate. It sounded stupid because, sex itself was intimate, but she never wanted to add an emotional aspect. It wasn't a conscious decision, she just...couldn't. After sex she always wanted to get the person as far away from her as possible, but she knew it would look weird to throw them out, so she stuck to clinging to the edge of the bed instead.

She watched as Finn started to stir. Who would have thought it, after all these years? The Head Cheerleader and the Football Captain, finally hooking up. Now they were both just a couple of 'Lima Losers'.

Still at least Santana had Mila to call her achievement, she was one up on Finn there. Maybe finally sleeping with Santana, would be Finn's achievement. He had always been so desperate to.

"Ah my head!" Finn groaned, rubbing his eyes ferociously.

"Tell me about it!" Santana sighed. She really hoped Finn wouldn't want to stick around for long.

"What time is it?" Finn asked, as if reading Santana's mind.

Santana reached for her phone on the bedside table, lighting up the display to check the time.

"Just gone 7AM" she replied, frowning as she observed Finn frown and roll over. No way was she letting him fall back asleep.

"How do you feel?" she asked, in an attempt to keep him awake. Finn had only slept with one other girl before, Rachel, so she knew this was kind of a big deal for him.

"I just said my head is killing me!" Finn replied with a slight laugh, before realising what she was asking and sitting up slightly.

"Oh...that. Actually...not that great considering last night should have been my dream come true. But I feel...nothing. Empty almost" he continued

"Oh charming!" Santana laughed sarcastically, with a slight frown. Although she couldn't deny, she felt the same way.

Finn sat up properly to look at Santana.

"No sorry, that's not what I mean! You were great it's just...Rachel...I still love her"

Santana smiled sympathetically at Finn.

"Don't worry, I understand"

Finn returned the smile, before changing the subject, swaying away from any awkwardness.

"So, what have you got planned for your day?"

"Not a lot really. Mila will be coming home soon though..." she began

Finn took the hint with a smile.

"Well I'll make sure I get out of your hair then. Mind if I grab a quick shower first?" he asked.

"Sure" Santana smiled, as she led him off to the en-suite and set the shower up. She pulled on some clothes, and left the bedroom to give him some privacy, and headed off towards Mila's room, making sure it was tidy before she came home and inevitably messed it up again.

As she manoeuvred things around, picking up the cushions from the floor and stacking them on the bed, she spotted a new painting on Mila's easel. She walked towards it with a smile, eager to see her daughter's latest creation, but what she saw brought a lump to her throat.

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