Chapter 58

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Santana was just putting the finishing touches to her makeup when her phone started to ring. She put the mascara wand back into the tube, before placing it down to pick up the phone, checking the caller ID before answering. It was Puck.

"Hey" she said simply, continuing to check herself in the reflection.

"Is she ready?" Puck asked, causing Santana to roll her eyes. He was having Mila for the night, and as per usual, they didn't know whether they were coming or going with him. He was meant to have her for the full weekend, but in typical Puck fashion, he'd cancelled the night before and said he'd just have her for the Saturday instead. Of course he hadn't given a time to pick her up though, now here he was asking is she was ready to go.

"Dressed for the day and ready to leave the house? Yes. Ready and sat waiting for you? No, considering you didn't give us a time that you were coming. What do you expert her to do Puck, sit by the door all day until you turn up at an unannounced time? I don't think so..." Santana scoffed.

"That's why I'm calling to check, and to let you know what time I'll be there!" Puck responded in a sarcastic and slightly raised tone "I'm leaving to pick her up in 10 minutes, so I'll be there in 30. Just have her ready yeah? I've got places to be, I don't have time to be sitting around waiting today."

Santana scoffed again. The irony of this man talking about "sitting around and waiting" when he was never made to wait, in fact it was always Mila who had to wait around for him, and have him cancel on her constantly. He was becoming more and more unpredictable and even though Santana had always tried to remain on good terms with him for Mila's sake, things were becoming evidently more strained between them. Santana would never let Mila know that though, in front of her, she was always extra-friendly and enthusiastic.

"Oh I'm sorry, wouldn't want to keep you from your places to be." Santana responded, in a tone that was even more sarcastic than the one Puck had just given her. "She'll be ready, like she always is. I'm leaving to go out for lunch now, Brittany will be handing her over, she lives with us now."

"Since when?"

"Erm...since when was that any of your business?"

"Well considering she's living with my daughter, I think that makes it my business, don't you?"

Santana began to laugh, though there wasn't a hint of humour in it.

"Don't even try it Noah."

She knew that Puck had no problem with Brittany and probably didn't really care that she had moved in, but it never failed to amuse her how Puck would try use his rights to assert his dominance at times. She figured it was because Puck knew that he was a deadbeat dad, and that Mila was probably starting to realise that as she grew to an adolescent with views of her own, causing her to drift apart from him.

Santana had witnessed Mila's reluctance to visit her father growing over the past year, so surely Puck was seeing it too, and he was using his rights to hold on to what little relationship they had.

"Mila will be ready in 30 minutes, so don't be late. You have Brit's number if there's any problems." Santana said simply, before hanging up the phone.

She checked herself in the reflection one last time before grabbing her things and heading downstairs to the living room, where Brittany and Mila were watching TV together, laughing in sync in a way that made Santana's heart squeeze.

"Hi my girlies, having fun?" She asked.

Mila nodded, too enamoured by what she was watching to properly acknowledge her mother, but Brittany turned and met Santana's eyes.

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