Chapter 30

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Hello, hello! Hope you're all having a good week. This chapter was initially longer, but I've ended up splitting it into two to give you something to go off now, since it's been a few days since my last update. I'm still working on the other part, as it's a pivotal part of the story, so needs to be good! I'll post the next part tomorrow, but I hope you enjoy a little something for now!

I also posted a 10-part Brittana canon compliant story yesterday, titled "Mine" if any of you wanted to check it out (completely unrelated to this, it's a work in it's own right). I love this story, and I'm excited to bring my readers on the journey of it, but I understand it can get incredibly angsty and these past couple of chapters have been sad in particular. I felt the need to write something fluffy, with a more instantaneous sense of happiness, and "Mine" was born. It's up now fully complete for anyone interested!

But now back to Invisible String...

The next few days were the hardest of Brittany's life so far. She felt completely pained inside, and was extremely tearful.

"I just feel so empty San" she had said the day after they had returned from the hospital, when Santana had found her sitting on the bed crying.

Santana felt helpless. All she could do was reassure, comfort and love Brittany and offer herself as a pillar of support. It was so hard for her to see her best friend like this, but she needed to be strong for Brittany.

There were moments when they would talk lots and Santana would soothe Brittany with her words. There were moments when Brittany would talk, and Santana would just listen, and there were moments when there would be no talking about it at all. It would just be the physical comfort, that Brittany drew from Santana's presence.

One of the worst things about it all, had been telling people that the baby was gone. It made Brittany feel regretful, about the fact she had told people about her pregnancy so early on. The circumstances with Denver cheating had meant that she'd needed to tell people earlier than she would have under normal circumstances.

She probably would have waited on telling her parents, but because she had spontaneously arrived back in Lima, she couldn't not tell them what was going on.

Then she had ended up telling Santana's parents, and Mila had been told too to stop her worrying. If Denver hadn't cheated, she would have just stayed in New York and told them all after the 12-week mark, together as a couple.

All these people that knew, were now people she had to tell the sad news too. She had to watch their sympathetic looks and the awkwardness of them not knowing what to say, and relive those words over, and over again.

The day after they had received the news of the miscarriage, Santana had lightly encouraged Brittany that she should at least let her parents know. The rest could be dealt with later, but Santana knew that Brittany's parents would be a great source of support for her and deserved to know.

They had gone around that afternoon, Santana of course going with Brittany, to offer her support. She thought at one point, the words were going to have to come from her, but Brittany had managed to do it. What came next was lots of tears and cuddles, as expected. The Pierce's wanted Brittany to come home so they could take care of her, but Brittany had shaken her head.

"Santana is looking after me amazingly, and I love you mom and dad but...I really need her right now" she had explained.

"Of course, sweetheart. Whatever you need around you to get through this, you go ahead and do it" Whitney smiled.

Naturally, as Brittany's parents they wanted to take care of her, but it was up to Brittany to make her own choices, and they knew Santana was more than capable of taking care of their daughter.

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