Chapter 22

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Heavy Dantana chapter coming up, but stick with it, plenty more Brittana to come and it's all part of the process :)


Santana glanced around the hotel room with a gasp. The lights were turned off, leaving it lit only by candles. On the table lay a bottle of champagne, with two flutes and a platter of chocolate covered strawberries. The king-size bed was adorned with rose petals, spelling out 'happy birthday'.

She turned to the blonde next to her with a smile.

"Dani this is perfect" before leaning forward to give her a soft peck "thank you"

It was Friday 24th April, and Santana and Dani were in Columbus for the night, celebrating Santana's birthday. It wasn't until the following Thursday, but since Santana would be in New York, they were doing it early.

The last month had been a complete whirlwind for Santana. After their first date four weeks ago, things had developed fairly quickly between them. Santana had been so nervous on that first date, that she had downed three homemade Martinis' before Dani even came to pick her up. Luckily, Dani didn't seem to notice, and the night had flowed well. Within twenty minutes the alcohol had settled in, and the nerves had calmed, and they were chatting like they'd known each other for years. Santana found herself feeling completely at ease with Dani, she was easy to talk to, and she felt like she could open up to her. She was intrigued by the blonde, and extremely attracted to her confidence. Dani on the other hand, admired Santana's no bullshit attitude and sense of humour.

As they had pulled up outside Dani's apartment that night, Santana's stomach was full of butterflies. She didn't want the night to end, but she also didn't want to push her luck and rush things either.

They shared a sweet and simple kiss, before they parted ways.

"So, I guess this is goodbye?" said Santana.

Dani turned to her with a dimpled grin. She would have loved to carry the night on as well, but she too didn't want Santana to rush things. It was all new to her, and she wanted her to take her time and go slowly with these new feelings.

"For now." she replied, pecking Santana on the lips again, before heading out of the cab. She made sure to turn back and look at Santana one last time.

When Santana had returned home, giddy from the evening's events and mind still swirling with alcohol, she checked her phone to see that she already had a text from Dani.

I had a great time with you tonight. I already can't wait to see you again X

From there, they started texting none stop. Santana just found herself so drawn to the girl. On the Monday, she went to the coffee shop where Dani worked, so they could spend their lunch break together. This soon became a daily ritual. Texts turned to phone calls, phone calls turned to FaceTime's, one date turned to several.

Every weekend for the past month, they had been on a date, either a Friday or Saturday depending on Santana arranging somebody to look after Mila. Usually Quinn or her parents would happily step in. She hadn't told them about Dani yet, she hadn't even told Brittany, she was just enjoying exploring this new side of her. Telling them would be a whole other big step for her, so she was just enjoying being in her bubble with Dani. She'd never been so happy before. She figured they probably knew she was dating somebody, but this wasn't really new for her, she'd dated lots before. They always knew not to pry, because Santana would tell them if it was anything serious.

For the past two weeks, they'd been seeing even more of each other, and having a date night on a weeknight, as well as on the weekend. It had all started when Mila had asked to stay at her best friend from pre-schools for a sleepover. Santana didn't usually let Mila stay out on weeknights, but Mila had pleaded with her big brown eyes. Mila and her best friend Lily shared a special bond, that reminded Santana of the bond she had shared with Brittany at her age. She cherished those childhood sleepovers with Brittany, giggling into the night, having midnight feasts. The nostalgia made her relent, and Mila was allowed to attend her weeknight sleepover as a one-off occasion. She was starting Kindergarten in September, and from there sleepovers would be strictly weekends only.

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