Chapter 15

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The next day, a weary eyed Santana was folding Mila's freshly washed baby clothes, sorting them into piles. The stereo was on low in the background, loud enough to make the task more fun, but quiet enough so not to wake Mila.

Santana sighed at the monotonous task.

This was her life now.

She was awoken from her personal pity party by a knock at the door.

"Get that please Santana! It's probably your dad. He's probably forgotten his key again" Maribel shouted from upstairs.

Sighing as she stood up due to the tiredness she felt as she lugged her aching and sleep deprived body towards the door, she opened it a little too forcefully, ready to spin around and go back to her task as soon as she opened it. But she was stopped in her tracks.

There in front of her, leaning against the door frame with a slight smirk, was Brittany.

Santana couldn't help the gasp that escaped from her mouth.

"Brittany!" she exclaimed; the surprise evident in her voice "What are...wh...what are you doing here?"

Santana was so happy to see Brittany, for the first time in almost seven months, but at the same time the panic was rising. Mila was inside. Was her big secret about to come spilling about?

"Just popped back for the weekend" Brittany smiled "Thought I'd surprise you" she said casually.

Santana was suspicious. She'd not spoken to Brittany properly since the day Mila was born two weeks ago, and for a whole week of that there'd been zero contact at all. Now Brittany was back here, acting like nothing had happened.

"Great!" Santana exclaimed, she'd been caught so far off guard, that she didn't know what to do. She grabbed her coat off the hook "Let's go for a coffee!" Santana smiled unconvincingly.

Anything to steer Brittany away from the house full of baby things, and the baby herself, who was sleeping upstairs.

", let's stay here. We can sit in your room like old times sake" Brittany smiled. Santana nodded slightly, which led Brittany to waltz straight into the Lopez residence.

Santana's heart was beating out of her chest and she could feel the beads of sweat forming on her head.

Brittany started walking upstairs, she always made herself at home here, it was like a second home to her.

Santana froze, knowing Mila was sleeping in her room.

"Actually Brit, my room is a bit of a mess, let's...hang out in the living room" she said, pulling Brittany gently back down the stairs and in the direction of the living room.

Brittany couldn't help the smile that formed, as she heard the nickname Brit.

"Could you go grab us some snacks from the kitchen?" Santana asked "Can't have a catch up without snacks" her voice was a little too high.

"Sure!" Brittany headed into the kitchen, leaving Santana frantically flying around the living room discarding of all evidence.

Brittany returned with the snacks to find Santana looking dishevelled and out of breath.

"Are you okay, you seem stressed?" she questioned knowingly

"Yep...yeah totally fine! Anyway, how's your classes been going?"

Brittany really had to laugh at Santana's attempt at small talk here, they would never communicate like this. She looked on amused, as Santana busied herself clearing the dining table.

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