Chapter 26

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Apologies for the late update today guys, it's been a busy one!! Hope you enjoy though x

Brittany awoke to the sound of Santana softly calling her name. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and stretched out. She felt well rested and had actually had a good night's sleep considering the circumstances. Being in Santana's arms had made her feel safe and happy, but now she was awake and remembering everything that had happened, things seemed a little harder again. She opened her eyes fully, to see Santana standing there holding out a tray, with just about every breakfast item on it. Fruit, Yoghurt, a bowl of wholegrain cereal, two slices of wholemeal toast and a glass of fresh orange juice.

"Wow San, you've really gone to town here" Brittany laughed, as Santana placed the tray down on the bed in front of her.

"Only the best for you and Little Poppy Seed" she smiled, sitting on the edge of the bed before adding "I wasn't sure what you'd like, but all of these are full of nutritional value and great for the baby"

"Well look at you!" Brittany remarked impressed "Thank you San. But...actually...I'm not really hungry" she looked down

Santana tucked her fingers underneath Brittany's chin and gently pushed it up, so she was looking at her

"Brit, I know you're going through a tough time, but you need to eat something. For you, and for the baby"

Brittany sighed in defeat. She really wasn't sure she could stomach much at all, and if it was just her, she would have refused. But she had a baby to think about now.

"Will you eat with me?" she asked, her blue eyes pleading with Santana.

Santana just smiled and reached out for a piece of toast, taking a small bite, before holding it up to Brittany's mouth so she could do the same.

When she was satisfied, she had got enough food into the blonde, she took the tray and stood up off the bed.

"Come downstairs and I'll fix you another juice" she said, observing the empty glass. She knew Brittany would rather have a coffee right now, but she had sworn off it now she knew she was pregnant, as hard as it was. "We have a Doctor's appointment at 12"

When she had fixed Brittany up with another drink and left her in front of the TV, she went upstairs to wake Mila. It was a weekend so she was enjoying a long lie in, but even 10:00 was late for her.

"Morning sleepy head!" she called as she entered the room, as she watched the little girl begin to stir "that was a nice long sleep you had, did you have some nice dreams?"

Mila didn't answer, burrowing her head under the covers. She was always grouchy when she woke up, definitely her mother's daughter.

"I bet I know something that will get you out of bed..." Santana teased, causing Mila to remove the covers and look at her warily, eyes squinting with the light.

"Go downstairs and see! There's someone special waiting to see you"

That was all it took for Mila to throw off her bedsheets and spring down the stairs. Brittany smiled as she heard the enthusiastic footprints sprinting towards her. As soon as the little girl saw the blonde, she squealed.

"Aunty Brit-Brit!" she exclaimed, running towards Brittany to give her a huge hug. Brittany quickly set her glass down in anticipation, and embraced her tightly, scooping her up on to her lap and planting noisy kisses over her head.

"Mila Moo, I missed you so much!" she exclaimed, as Santana watched them with a smile. She was surprised Mila had slept through everything and hadn't heard Brittany. Their Duplex apartment was very small, and Mila's bedroom was adjacent to Santana's.

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