Chapter 55

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It was nearing 8pm by the time Santana and Brittany arrived back in Lima. It would have made sense to drive straight for Mila, but they wanted to keep the suspense up and surprise her with the fact Brittany was here, and moving in for good. They unloaded the car and dropped their bags inside first, the feeling of this being their shared home now, felt overwhelming.

"Welcome home, baby" Santana smiled shyly, and Brittany's eyes lit up at the statement.

"Come here" Brittany said, pulling Santana in to kiss her slowly, cupping her girlfriend's face with her hands before sliding them down her neck as their tongues danced rhythmically together.

Reluctantly pulling away when she realised she really needed to go get her daughter because she was already undoubtedly going to be up past her bedtime with all the excitement when she found out about Brittany, Santana rest her forehead against Brittany's.

"Ugh, I don't want to leave you" she whined.

"You'll only be gone for 30 minutes, if that" Brittany laughed lightly "then you get to come home to me, forever."

Santana sighed lovingly, she loved the way that sounded. Brittany was right, this definitely wasn't their hardest goodbye, so she snuck one last peck from her girlfriend before pulling away to retrieve her car keys.

"I won't be long then" Santana smiled, as she headed out the door.

"Drive safe baby" Brittany reminded her, blowing her a kiss as she walked out the door, before settling back on the couch with a contented sigh in her new home.

Santana had called Dani in the car to let her know that she was on her way to collect Mila, hoping that Dani would have all her stuff packed together so she could get back to Brittany as soon as possible. She really couldn't wait for Mila to find out and to see her reaction, and she she was itching to start their new life together, but she also knew she'd have to be polite and make small talk with Dani considering she'd watched her daughter all weekend.

She knocked on the door and patiently waited; excited to see Mila. Even though it had only been a couple of nights away and she was used to Mila spending the weekend with Puck, she always missed her, and she was apprehensive to see how her weekend with Dani had gone. Of course she had spoken to them both over the phone and it seemed to go without problem, Dani had assured her everything was fine, and Mila sounded happy and like she was having a great time, but Santana knew she wouldn't be completely satisfied until she had her daughter back and could see for herself that everything was good and that she'd made the right decision in letting Mila stay there.

'Hi" Dani smiled, opening the door to let Santana in "how was your trip?"

"Yeah it was really, really nice thank you" Santana smiled politely, following Dani through her apartment "I'm tired now though from all the travelling."

"Yeah I'm not surprised, really takes it out of you doesn't it? Even if it's just a short flight."

Santana nodded enthusiastically, as she glanced around for her daughter's whereabouts.

"Mila is just in the bathroom with Bella" said Dani, clearly she had noticed Santana's unease "she just helped me give her a bath."

Santana watched as Dani walked over towards the hallway.

"Mila, your Mama is here!" Dani called, before turning her attention towards the kitchen "Can I get you a drink or anything?"

"No, I'm fine thank you, I drank a lot on the plane" Santana explained, she really didn't want to stay for longer than necessary, but still she took a seat while she waited for Mila. "So she was well-behaved? No problems?"

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