Chapter 43

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Hey guys, I just wanna shout out a few people who have left me such amazing feedback over the last chapter(s). I appreciate your patience and love for this story so much, and it was a challenge pushing out daily chapters like that, but I'm glad it was all worth it! Special shoutouts to anyone who left a review but especially: LironesDestine, thepleasuresallmine and jadaluvs for your kind continuous words.

Also to the people who have left more constructive criticism. Even if you have not ended up liking the story, it's good to hear your thoughts.

I just want to address the anonymous review around this story being a disappointing slow-burn because of the way things came together so quick in one chapter. Firstly, I really didn't feel I could have dragged it out any longer without killing the story, and in having their feelings for each other being realised so slowly after everything they've been through, to me would have done just that. Secondly, I always have to go with the way I feel the characters would react organically, and I felt them having that talk after years of pent up mutual feelings, was the organic way for them. These two have been in love for years, and had so many missed opportunities, so I always knew when the time came for them to realise their feelings it would be instantaneous in how fast everything would unwrap and all their hidden feelings would spill out. They wouldn't have been able to hold it in any longer. But what I will say, is there is still a long way to go in the story in terms of them developing as a couple and figuring out their new relationship together, and making that transition from friends to lovers and the way that impacts those around them. So I hope if you managed to stick with it, you'll enjoy that element of it, but thank you regardless for the feedback.

Hope you enjoy this one guys! 40 or so chapters of their friendship turning to more and all those pain-filled missed opportunities. Now onto to the second part of their journey, building their lives together :)

Santana woke up from an amazing dream about her and Brittany finally getting it together, to Mila's hand lightly tapping her face. Then she realised it wasn't a tap, more a stroke. And as she opened her eyes to adjust to her surroundings, she realised the hand didn't belong to her daughter, it belonged to Brittany. Last night hadn't been a dream at all. Brittany really was here, lying with her, tenderly stroking her face with a smile.

"Morning beautiful" she whispered.

"Morning" Santana smiled back, her voice a mere croak.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you, but I couldn't resist not seeing you to say goodbye, before I had to leave."

Santana glanced at the clock on the bedside table. It was just past 7am, and it felt like they had barely slept.

"You're leaving already?" she pouted.

"I don't want to, but I really need to. Breakfast starts at 8am, and I need get out of here before people see me and wonder why I'm leaving your room and I'm not with my husband".

Santana nodded her understanding.

"Yeah I should probably text Quinn actually, I said I'd meet her downstairs" her eyes bore into Brittany's soft blue eyes "I'll miss you though".

"I'll miss you too" Brittany smiled, dabbing her finger playfully on Santana's nose "But hopefully, in a few days' time, we'll be sunning it up in Hawaii together. Then we'll have all the time in the world".

"Does that mean we'll have all the time in the world to do things like this?" Santana smirked, before leaning forward to capture Brittany's lips into a deep kiss. A kiss that Brittany gladly reciprocated.

It was strange. Not 12 hours had passed since they'd made the move from best friends, to whatever they were now. It didn't feel as awkward as it probably should have felt, because it felt like they had both been waiting for this moment for years. There was no label on what they were yet, just a mutual understanding that they both loved each other, and a willingness to explore that together.

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