Chapter 46

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Due to the time difference, it was past midnight when they landed back in Columbus, and they were glad of the last-minute decision they made to stay in the airport hotel before embarking on the drive back. Two hours wasn't a long way to go at all, but it felt like it when they had been travelling all day.

The next morning, they were up early and ready to go, and they spent the whole car ride happily reminiscing over their blissful vacation together; happy in the knowledge they were officially together now and going back to reality wasn't going to change that. They had travelled to the airport separately on the way here, so not to rouse any suspicion, but on the way back they could get away with saying that Santana was picking Brittany up from the airport since they were going with the narrative that Sam was getting an interconnecting flight to LA for work. In reality Sam of course was already in LA, and had been all along, and their cover story seemed bullet proof. But as the road signs indicated they were getting closer and closer to Lima; Santana began to sense a change in Brittany's mood. She took her opportunity when they stopped at a red light and reached out across the centre console for Brittany's hand.

"You okay my love? You seem quiet"

She stroked her thumb across Brittany's hand, patiently awaiting a response.

"I just feel so bad for lying to my parents like this" Brittany sighed "In my head the plan that Sam and I have sounds good, and it's probably going to cause less drama than if we were to admit we never even made it on honeymoon, but now we're getting closer I'm I going to be able to hold this together? I feel so guilty for lying."

"That's understandable Brit. Nobody likes lying to their parents. Are you thinking of reconsidering and telling them earlier?"

"I can't. Sam and I have an agreement, it would be unfair to tell my parents before he has the chance to speak to his. Besides I'm in the thick of the lies now. They already think I went on honeymoon with him, if I backtrack on that and say all this time that I was with you then they're going to flip out. But I just don't know how I'm going to answer all my mom's questions about the nice time we had there and all the things we did..."

"Well," Santana chewed her lip thoughtfully "I guess you could answer that part honestly. Talk about our vacation, talk about the things that you and I did. That way you're not really lying, you're just telling a different version of the truth. They don't need to know it was with me and not Sam."

She looked at Brittany and hoped it would give her some reassurance. Whether Brittany wanted to tell her parents now or later, she was fully supportive, but Brittany was saying she couldn't tell them now so all she could do was try and make her feel better about holding off on telling them. Brittany still looked unsure though, so Santana continued.

"It's not like you plan on lying to them for weeks babe. In 10 days; they'll know the truth. Your reason for holding back isn't that you're wanting to deceive them, you're just trying to prevent more drama and hurt, and waiting so that Sam has the opportunity to tell his parents at the same time. I think that's fully understandable".

"I guess so, but I just hate that our beginning has start like this. Like some sordid secret. I just want to shout to the world about how happy we are together, but I can't".

Santana's face softened at the sadness mirrored in Brittany's eyes.

"Hey, there's nothing that I want more than to shout to the world that you're mine too. I'm so proud to be with you, but at the same time, I think it's nice that we have this little bubble still. It doesn't matter when people find about us, all I care about is you and I being happy. The rest of the world can wait".

"I guess when you put it like that, it does sound a lot better. Just you and I in our happy bubble, that no one can touch".

"See! Loads of couples wait a while before telling everyone they're together, for that same reason. Or sometimes because they're not sure if they're going to be in it for the long-haul, but that's obviously not an issue for us. It's going to be ridiculously hard keeping my hands off you in front of everyone at Mila's party on Saturday, but...I actually like being your sordid little secret"

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