Chapter 47

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Santana rubbed her eyes; she was so ready for her bed, but she needed to finish wrapping Mila's presents for the morning. She had been texting Brittany back and forth throughout the day, and when she had told her that Mila wanted a unicorn themed sleepover Brittany had told Santana to leave it with her, and that she'd be round early in the morning to help Santana set everything up before Mila woke up.

From: Santana

Oh babe, you don't have to do that! You know how early she's going to be up.

From: Brittany

Don't be silly San, I want too! I want to be there when she wakes up and to see her little face when she sees all the unicorn magic!

So, it was settled. All Santana needed to do was finish the wrapping, then she could head to bed, but with her picking up her phone every time it buzzed in case it was Brittany, the wrapping was taking longer than anticipated. On this occasion, it was Brittany.

From: Brittany

Just got into bed now. It feels so weird without you wrapped around me. Wish you were here

Santana's heart hurt at that. She wasn't looking forward to spending her first night without Brittany either, she was too used to the feeling of being held by her, and she felt so warm and safe in her arms.

From: Santana

I wish that too, babe. At least we have tomorrow though, and the rest of the week if you want to stay. But I'm really going to struggle to sleep without you tonight, who's going to keep me warm?

From: Brittany

Duh! Of course, I'm staying with you the rest of the week. I'm cherishing every minute with you before I have to go back to New York. I know! I'm literally so cold right now, what did I do before you!? Are you in bed yet?

From: Santana

Oh don't, I don't even want to think about you going back to New York. Let's not think about it. Not in bed yet, wrapping presents for Moo! I am so tired though!

From: Brittany

Me too! Earlier I nearly fell asleep at dinner listening to my mom going on and on about some argument she'd had at the store. You know how she goes on, and you know how I can literally fall asleep anywhere! Okay honey let me know when you're in bed!

From: Santana

Hahaha I know that very well Miss Pierce. I've had to elbow you in the ribs a few times to wake you. Babe don't wait up for me. You should sleep if you're tired xxx

From: Brittany

No I wanna wait for you. I won't sleep well if I don't hear your voice before I sleep. Call me when you're in bed, I'll be up. Promise! X

From: Santana

You're adorable. Okay, be as quick as I can! & for the record I wouldn't have slept well without hearing your voice either xxx

Santana finished up as quick as she could, eager to not keep Brittany awake and fighting sleep like she knew she would be, and also excited at the prospect of speaking to her and feeling semi like she was in bed with her. 30 minutes later, she was finally in bed, and she pulled out her iPad and clicked FaceTime. She waited a few seconds, until she heard the familiar sound of the call connecting and a tired looking Brittany appeared on the screen, melting Santana's heart in the process with how utterly adorable she looked.

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