Chapter 11

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3 months later, it was Christmas time, and by now Santana had a significant bump. She hated it and worried she would never get her toned abs back, but right now it was proving useful as she rested her bowl of popcorn on it.

She still spoke to Brittany every day, she just had to be careful how she angled the camera on their Skype sessions, so that Brittany wouldn't see the bump. Brittany had tried several times to get Santana to come over and visit her in New York, but Santana had managed to wade her off, insisting she really needed to study and save so they could have the best time when she eventually got there.

Luckily, Santana didn't have to worry about Brittany coming back to Lima to visit, because her college schedule was way too busy. The only thing she was worried about, was Christmas. Surely Brittany would come home for the holidays, and Santana didn't know how well her baggy clothes were going to mask her growing baby bump. When Brittany tearfully announced on Skype one night that she wouldn't be coming home for Christmas because her parents had decided to visit her instead, and experience Christmas in New York, Santana had breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry Brit, we're halfway through now! In 3 months, I'll be there with you!" she had assured Brittany at the time.

Santana continued picking at her popcorn, her attention focused on the Christmas film on the TV, when her phone buzzed. Reaching into her pocket and pulling it out, she saw it was a text from Brittany.

"Who's that?" Maribel questioned, from her position behind the sofa where she was ironing clothes.

"Brittany" Santana replied, as she tapped away her reply, not bothering to raise her head and look at her mother.

"Have told her yet?" Maribel frowned, gesturing towards Santana's stomach "All this lying will catch up with you, you know?"

Santana ignored the question and carried on texting Brittany. The only people to know was her immediate family, Quinn, and Puck. The conversation with Puck had been an awkward one to say the least, and she had decided to do it by phone call, so she didn't have to see him. She had been clear that she was giving the baby up for adoption, but that she felt he had a right to know.

"Shit...I gotta get better rubbers" he had joked "anyway is there anything else 'cos I'm kind of tied up right now?"

"Probably knocking up some other poor girl" Santana had thought. She had never felt so glad to be giving her baby up for adoption, not when the father was Noah Puckerman.

Quinn, despite Santana's initial dislike of her, had turned out to be a great friend to her. As for her parents, they had taken the news better than expected. Sure, they were disappointed but, accidents happen. Santana hadn't been irresponsible and had in fact taken precautions, it was just unfortunate she landed in this predicament at such a young age. Maribel's only concern was how Santana would cope with the adoption. It was her first child, and Maribel knew she wasn't prepared for the urge of love she'd feel when the baby was placed in her arms for the first time. She worried her daughter would spend her life miserable and missing her baby, but it was Santana's choice to make.

Pablo was very curious about Santana's pregnancy, he asked daily questions about it, and today was no different.

"When do you think that alien is going to burst out of you?" he asked, turning his attention from the film and onto Santana, who was still carelessly snacking on popcorn.

"Stop it Pablo!" Maribel warned "Pregnancy is a sacred thing"

"It can't hear me!" Pablo proclaimed

"Yes, it can. And don't refer to it, as it!" Maribel scolded, causing Santana to smile slightly.

"It's a girl, if you must know" she said casually, rolling a piece of popcorn in between her thumb and forefinger, before popping it into her mouth.

"You found out?" Maribel gasped slightly, putting her iron down, causing Santana to look up at her as she chewed her popcorn.

"I asked at the last scan. I thought I should tell the Social Worker so he could start his plans" she shrugged.

Maribel walked over to her daughter excitedly

"A girl!" she exclaimed, crouching down behind the sofa to stroke her daughter's hair "what about names?"

Santana paused

"No...I'm...I'll let the new parents decide" she replied, before focusing her gaze back on the bowl of popcorn.

"Let me see your bump?" Pablo suddenly asked excitedly, earning a sharp look from Maribel.

"Hey! A woman's body doesn't become public property just because she's pregnant you know."

But Santana had already put down her popcorn bowl and began to raise her shirt.

"Be my guest" she smiled

Pablo grabbed his torch, shining it on Santana's protruding stomach, and the three of them stood in silence and stared. You could see the baby moving, ever so slightly.

"Look at that!" said an awestruck Maribel

"Oh my God!' Pablo exclaimed; his eyes wide as he took in the moving stomach

"She's got hiccups" Maribel sighed lovingly "Little thing has got hiccups! Oh, bless!"

Santana was fixated on her stomach. She had never paid it so much attention before. She couldn't help but let out a small smile, as she marvelled at the movement inside of her. Before she could become too transfixed, she checked herself, pulling down her shirt.

"Whatever" she shrugged, with a laugh. She grabbed her bowl of popcorn and went to place it back on her stomach again, before hesitating, the bowl momentarily hovering above her stomach. She decided to tuck the bowl underneath her arm instead.

Later that night, Santana was in bed, sitting up against the headboard with her shirt rolled up to reveal her stomach. The baby was still hiccupping, so Santana was gently stroking her bump, as if to comfort the small being inside of her.

"Baby can you hear me?" she whispered "Try holding your breath. Like this..."

Santana breathed in deeply, before holding her breath for a few seconds. She noticed the baby had stopped hiccupping and let out a smile, as she stroked her bump.

"There you are Mila moo" she mumbled, before realising what she had just said and letting out a sigh

"That's...probably not going to be your name okay?" she told the bump with a slight frown.

She fluffed her pillows, before lying down and rolling over, hand firmly on bump as she let sleep wash over her.

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