Chapter 10

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"If I'd told her she would have never left, and her whole life would have been ruined too" Santana sighed to Quinn

She was in the Pharmacy, a week after Brittany had left, keeping Quinn company and telling her of her Brittany troubles. Quinn, being the only one who knew about Santana's pregnancy, had now become somewhat of a friend of Santana's.

She had told Quinn all about their life-long plan to go to New York together, and how Brittany was over there now, waiting for Santana to join her and unaware of the real reason she wasn't there.

"Why don't you just get rid of the thing?" Quinn shrugged.

"My parents are catholic" Santana winced "I don't believe in all that but...I can't."

Santana sighed in exasperation.

"I had it all sussed! Move to New York, study to become a hot shot lawyer, then get married and have kids!"

"Wow, a whole life in bullet points" Quinn laughed, as she unpacked boxes to stack the shelves.

"Well now it's pregnant, have kid, full time mom, wave goodbye to career, live off hand-outs, grow fat, lose hair" Santana moaned.

"Yeah. Might as well just kill yourself now. I can sort the drugs?" Quinn joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Santana just rolled her eyes in response, so Quinn tried a softer approach.

"Look, there's loads of people out there that want a kid that can't have one. Why don't you give it away?"

Santana's eyes widened at the suggestion, and she felt a small smile creep on to her lips. The first genuine smile in weeks.

"I could still move to New York" she mused as Quinn let out a dry laugh, heading towards the other side of the Pharmacy to check the stock.

"I could apply to college again, or get a job, I don't care! It would all be the same, just 6 months later." Quinn stared questioningly at Santana excitedly rambling on "I don't even need to tell Brittany I could just give an excuse".

"Woah" Quinn held out her hand "that is major denial babe".

"Yeah?" Santana shrugged "I just happen to think it's the way to go" she snarked with a devious smile.

A few days later Santana loaded up her laptop to skype Brittany, the way they did every day, sometimes more than once. Santana smiled as Brittany's face emerged on the screen.

"Hey babe" Santana smiled "You're looking extra pretty today"

Brittany blushed, looking down with a smile.

"You always know how to make a girl feel special" she laughed before changing the subject "Any news from NYU yet?"

Brittany was beginning to panic now and lose hope, she'd ask Santana the same question every day, but nothing. She didn't want to be here without Santana, it wasn't how their dream was meant to be.

"Actually yes" Santana began, causing Brittany to look up in wide eyed anticipation "It's good news and bad news. I have a place's for Spring Admission. That means I won't be coming to New York for another 6 months".

Brittany stayed silent, with Santana unable to read her expression.

"Say something Brit?" she pressed.

"Sorry I-I just wasn't expecting you to say that. Part of me is so relieved because honestly? I was beginning to lose hope, but another part of me is thinking 6 months is such a long time, I don't know if I can do 6 months without you." she replied, getting emotional.

"Yes you can Brittany!" Santana encouraged "You're stronger than you ever give yourself credit for. I know it seems like ages away, but 6 months will fly by, I promise. And we can skype and text all the time".

"But it's not the same, I need you here." Brittany moaned before a lightbulb went off in her head "maybe I could defer for spring entry too?"

Santana shook her head. It had been hard enough for her to defer for Spring entry, because she had left it so late, and she had extenuating circumstances of a baby.

"No Brit, you can't do that, you could lose your scholarship"

Brittany sighed, it had been a little under 2 weeks since she had seen her best friend in the flesh, and she missed her desperately.

"Well how about you move out to New York anyway? You could get a job out here until spring, there's so many places you could..."

"Brit no I need to stay here and study and get myself up to scratch with the fall students" she interrupted.

"Besides, it would be a waste of money, me paying rent right now when I don't need too. We aren't all lucky enough to get scholarships, genius" she joked, before seeing the sad look on Brittany's face. She worried she may have offended her, of course paying rent wasn't a waste of money if it meant living her New York life with Brittany, but she needed an excuse to mask the real reason she wasn't in New York.

"Look Brit" she assured "I promise you these 6 months are going to go so fast. You're gonna be so busy making new friends and having a life and dancing, that you're not even gonna realise I'm not there. And then before you know it, I'll just be there with you. But until then, I am always just the other end of the phone okay?".

Brittany nodded, believing Santana as she always did, wiping away a few tears that had fallen.

She switched out the light and lay back on the bed, placing the laptop next to her, turning to face it. Santana smiled as she watched Brittany pull the blanket over her and get comfy, it was getting late.

"Will you tell me the story of our life in New York San, until I fall asleep?" Brittany asked quietly.

"Of course, Brit"

And then Santana began to tell the same story she had recited to Brittany so many times. The one about their life in New York, that Santana was so sure they would have together in 6-months-time.

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