Chapter 40

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AN: Happy Christmas Eve all! Hope you're ready for the big one tomorrow :)

Take that double meaning as you will...

Santana tapped her fingers against her mug as she waited for Dani to arrive and pick up more of her stuff. She hadn't seen or spoken to in a week, apart from to arrange Dani coming this evening. Her phone buzzed, and she smiled when she saw it was Brittany.

You holding up okay angel? Call me afterwards and let me know how it went xx

As always, Brittany had been a great support to Santana when she had told her about everything that had gone down with Dani. Truth be told, she was fine though. It was a little sad that it had come to this, but really finding out about Dani's cheating just prematurely ended a relationship that was going to end anyway. Santana knew it was only a matter of time where she was going to detach herself from the family setup she'd created, the fear of judgement from family and friends and the worry of upsetting Mila, to actually break up with Dani and chase happiness. It had been on the horizon a long time and Dani's affair had just brought it to the surface earlier. It was almost a blessing in disguise.

She hurriedly typed back her response to Brittany before hearing the doorbell chime. It was Dani. It was sad that she was now ringing the bell to gain access into a house that was half hers, but Santana could only see today as a positive. A new start for both of them, that they so sorely needed.

Brittany's phone sounded, signalling Santana's response, a smile creeping on to her face as it always did when she was texting Santana. The action didn't go unnoticed by her fiancé.

"Who is it?" Sam smiled.

"Santana." Said Brittany, returning the smile.

"Have you told her yet?" Sam asked curiously, causing Brittany to sigh slightly.

"No, not yet. I think it'll be best coming from me in person when we go to Lima at the weekend" she said earnestly.

She really wasn't sure how Santana was going to react to the news that she was so suddenly engaged. As well as the fact Santana had just broke up with her girlfriend, meaning Brittany felt guilty spreading her own joy, Santana had always been so protective of Brittany, and Brittany was sure she'd think she was being ridiculous for jumping into something so quick. Not only that, she needed to tell her parents. As happy as they were that Brittany was back with Sam, and as much as they'd been waiting for her to settle down for years, she couldn't imagine they'd mean this quick. The engagement was undoubtedly going to shock them, especially when they found out how quick they were planning to get married. So, they had made the decision to go back to Lima at the weekend and tell everybody then, including the Evans family. Brittany figured it would be much better coming from her and Sam in person.

Sensing Sam's disappointment, knowing how eager he was to shout it to the world that they were getting married, she leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"Just 3 more days, then everyone will know and be able to celebrate with us".

"Well I think I got everything I need for now." Dani said, glancing around

"If you have forgotten anything, just let me know and I'll drop it round." Santana smiled; glad they could be civil about this. "How are you holding up?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. It is, what it is. It's been good for me to stay with my mom actually. We've done a lot of talking. And...I made the first steps towards speaking to someone about dealing with everything, the drinking, all of that..."

"That's amazing news Dani. I'm really happy for you." Santana said sincerely, pleased her words had got through to the girl at last.

An awkward silence formed around then, and Dani took that as her cue.

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