Chapter 28

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This chapter is written a little differently. I wanted to use first person to really get down to how both girls were feeling in these pivotal points in their story. Next chapter will be back to normal.

Also- I'll try my best to stick to the daily updates, but work got a little more hectic recently, and I've ran out of the large pre-written chunk I had. Still at most, it should be every couple of days, but I'll always try for daily :)

As always, hope you enjoy!

Santana's POV

I shuffled around in the bed, turning my neck to check my phone which was on the bedside table.

02:03 the time read. How can it be? It feels like I've been laying here for ages, trying my best to let sleep take over me, but my mind just wasn't letting it happen. I was on overdrive tonight, and I had no idea why. I sighed as I put down my phone; it was going to be a long night. I turned to face Brittany. I admired the way the moonlight crept through the gap in the curtains, ever so slightly illuminating her features. Her face looked relax and content, and her hand had subconsciously made its way to her stomach, and I was finding it adorable. I was just happy that someone here was getting a good nights' sleep. It was the first time all week I had seen her look this relaxed, all the worries and doubts over her situation faded away, now that she had spoken to Douchever.

Hearing what Brittany had told me earlier about his mistreatment of her made me so angry. How could he treat someone as pure, beautiful and innocent as Brittany like that? She's everything that's good in the world. There were more than a few words I wanted to say to him, that's for sure.

That got me thinking about my own argument with Dani. The argument we'd had earlier was the first red flag in our relationship, and it made me wonder if it was the end of the road for us. Brittany and Denver's relationship was fine proof of what happened if you ignored red flags. My best friend who deserved the world, had ended up unhappy, and that shouldn't have ever happened. I didn't want that to happen to me either.

Then I thought about how I had accidentally blurted out about Denver's cheating and Brittany's pregnancy in a rage and felt guilty. I really hadn't meant to; it had just come flying out. I couldn't believe the things Dani was seriously saying about me and Brit, I mean come on!?

As I watched Brittany, seemingly in a peaceful sleep, I made a silent vow that no one would ever hurt her again. Least of all me. Then just like that, she opened her eyes. I had always thought Brittany had some weird ability to read my mind and sense things, and this was one of them.

"I know you're watching me" Brittany let out a knowing smile, and I chewed my lip nervously at being caught, before Brittany reached out her hand to find mine.

"Tell me what's on your mind" she said softly, and I let out a sigh. I really didn't want to cause her any more pain, not tonight, but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep without getting this off my chest. And if I wasn't sleeping, neither was she, now she had sensed my worry. She needed her sleep more than ever now, for her, and for Little Poppy.

"Brittany, I have to tell you something" I gulped, and I watched her soft facial expression turn to one of concern, which didn't make the situation any easier.

"Dani and I...we had a bit of an argument earlier" Brittany reached out to touch me, but I gently stopped her. I didn't want her to console me, that wasn't the reason I was telling her this. I didn't want anything that made this about me, instead of her "It's not a big deal don't worry, I'm fine" I assured her, but I knew she was unconvinced. Her own situation aside, Brittany was the type of person who always put others before herself. I loved it about her, but I also wished she'd let me just take care of her more.

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