Chapter 31 ~ the teddy

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°• Its Perfect •°

My leg was bouncing up and down with nervousness as I waited for Harry's trial to be over. It's been thirty minutes, do they usually take this long? A sigh of relief escaped my lips as the door to the court room opend, and my brother stepped out. I ran over to him "how did it go?" I questioned eagerly "I'm not expelled." He reassured "but they still dont believe us about Voldemort." "I dont care about that Harry, I'm just really glad you can come to school." I pulled him into a hug. "Now come on, let's get back."


We were all packed and ready, heading to the platform with our trollies. To be honest, I was kind of glad to be going back. I just wanted to be surrounded by my friends, especially Pansy. Even though we had written to each other all summer, it wasnt the same as our late night talks we would have.

We were just heading over the bridge, when a dog barked at me and Harry, running past us quickly. It was Padfoot. He ran down the steps and into a nearby room, before turning back into human form, a trick I knew all too well. "Sirius what are doing here?" I questioned, following him into the room "if somebody sees you," harry started "I had to see you two off, didnt I" our Godfather interrupted. I smiled and sat down next to him, in the dull room "anyway, what's life without a little risk." "I dont want to see you chucked back in Azkaban" harry stated with concern.

"Oh dont worry about me" the man reassured "anyway" he began to pull something out of his pocket, some sort of picture "I wanted you to have this." He said passing it to my brother, I looked over my brothers shoulder intrigued. "The original Order of the Phoenix." Confirmed Sirius. I looked at the photo. Mine and Harry's parents were stood in the middle, along with Nevilles, professor Moody, wormtail, Dumbledore and so many more familiar faces. "Its been fourteen years. Theres still a day doesn't go by, that I dont miss your Dad."

"Do you really think theres going to be a war Sirius?" Harry questioned, breaking the minutes silence. He nodded his head "it feels like it did before." My brother handed the picture to me, giving me a better look at it. "Do you mind if we keep this?" I asked "of course little one, it's all yours." "Thankyou Sirius." "Anyway, I suppose your the young ones now."

We stood up and I went to follow my brother out, when Siruis called me back in "y/n" he said, causing me to turn around "if you have anymore nightmares, feel free to write to me, or contact me however possible. I'm always here for you y/n/n." I walked up to him and pulled him onto a hug. "Thankyou Padfoot." I said, before leaving the room.


I had made to the gateway to the platform. "Happy birthday Harry." I whispered to my brother "you two y/n" he replied, before running into the wall.

I was now on the platform, looking around for my friends. I started to lose hope, when I caught eyes with my best friend. "Pansy!' I called, running up to the girl and swamping her in a hug. "Oh merlin, I've missed you so much." "I've missed you to y/n/n!" She pulled away and looked at me "holy shit, your hair." She stated, her voice had a hint of shock "it looks amazing!" "Really?" I questioned shyly "hell yeah. I wonder what Malfoy will think." My cheeks flushed red at the name of the boy.

I hadn't seen him all summer, much like Pansy, but we always made sure to write to one another. "I dunno." I stated "probably have some sort of hissy fit," I giggled "you know, the usual 'i cant believe you've done this!' 'My father will hear about this'" I said in a mocking tone. I notice Pansy stop laughing, eyes locked on something behind me, causing me to freeze in my spot "hes right behind me, isn't he." The girl just nodded, I turned around slowly.

"Hey, ferret boy" I teased awkwardly. He just stared at me, a small smirk on his face. "I'm sorry" I giggled. He just shook his head "I dont care." He finally said laughing a little. "I'm so sorry." I apologised "Potter, it's fine" "okay." I said as we headed to the train.

Once we were seated in a cabin, Draco pulled out, a beautifully decorated box, on black wrapping paper with green ribbon, from his bag, handing it to me. "What's this?" I questioned reluctantly taking the box "happy birthday." He smiled "how did you know?" I asked confused "I asked Granger then told Malfoy." Pansy stated butting in. "Come on, open it." She pushed.

I slowly untied the ribbon, taking off the lid of the box and pushing the green tissue paper out the way. Inside laid a little, red, dragon teddy bear. I picked it up admiring it. My eyes now slowly filling up with tears that I tried my hardest to blink away. "A dragon, for my Dragon Tamer." He confirmed, a hint of hope in his eye. "I love it Draco." I said, not taking my eyes off the cuddly toy "really? I can always get you something else." He panicked "Its perfect" I reassured, pulling him into a hug, then kissing him gently on the lips.

Merry Christmas guys! Hope you liked with chapter
~ Emily xx

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