Chapter 6 ~ Hufflepuff Boy

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°•We'll get through this together•°

I was busy packing my guitar away when someone came over to me "hi." The boy said. I looked up smiling. "Cedric Diggory" he said holding out his hand, I stood up and shook it "Y/N Potter." "I know we met yesterday but I didnt think it was a good time to introduce my self properly." "Oh right yeah, your one of the champions too." He nodded "congratulations I guess" I said with a confused tone. He laughed "too you to Potter." I smiled at him awkwardly, not feeling that a congratulations was actually deserved. "To be honest I'm surprised to see you in this class. I thought you were a couple years above us?" I asked confused "Yeah I am, theres just not many people that took it so they had to combine all the years." "Oh right, that makes sense." "Do you mind if I walk you back Potter?" He asked politely "um, yeah sure" I said picking up my guitar.

"Have you figured out the first task yet, Potter?" He said eventually, breaking our minute of silence "To be honest, I havent even thought about it." "Well if I figure it out I'll tell you" he said with a warm smile. "Thankyou Diggory" I said looking back at him. I looked at the door to the slytherin dungeon "shit" I said under my breath "you okay Potter?" He asked concerned "that's my brother" I squirmed "I havent spoken to him since I yelled at him last night" his face turned into an oh like shape "I'll leave you too it then, goodbye Potter" he said bowing his head and walking away "goodbye Diggory" I replied before turning to my brother.

"Hi Haz" I said awkwardly when i finally reached him. "Hi y/n," we shared an awkward smile to one another. "I just wanted to say that I have no idea how it happend, how were now champions, and I'm so sorry that it did" "hey its okay" I interrupted "it wasnt your fault, I'm not mad at you, I'm just mad at the situation." "We'll get through this together y/n/n." He said pulling me into a hug "I'll see you later Haz." I said walking into the dungeons.

I walked into the common room and saw Pansy. "Hi" I said placing my guitar down and sitting next to the brown haired girl on the sofa. "I heard about what happend" Pansy said sweetly. "What happend?" I asked confused. "That thing with Delacour." "Oh shit I completely forgot about that." I laughed. How could I have forgotten about that. "I gather you okay now.. wait have you cut your skirt?" She asked me, now pulling e off the sofa "maybe?" I smirked. She smiled looking at me up and down "wow you really did a good job!" "Thanks." I looked over her shoulder and noticed a certain blonde boy sat on the sofa opposite us. He noticed I saw him looking and he immediately looked at the fire.

"How was music" Pansy asked sitting back down. "It was really good actually." "Who actually takes that class?" Malfoy snapped, now joining in, on our conversation "not many people." He rolled his eyes "but Cedric Diggory is in it." His head whipped around to me, his eyes now harsh, locked into mine. "Really?" Pansy exclaimed "but isn't he like two years older then us." "Yeah but there wasnt enough people to make year classes so there all rolled into one. And to be honest theres still not that many." I giggled. Draco was now sat looking back at the fire. "Why so glum Malfoy?" I asked "none of your business Potter." He said not taking his eyes off the fire.

A shorter chapter today but I hoped you liked it! Dont forget to vote and follow to see what happens next!
~ Emily xxx

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